Results: 5

For: periodontal disease AND cardiovascular disease

Periodontal treatment for preventing cardiovascular disease in people with periodontitis


This Cochrane review update on the effects of periodontal therapy for primary or secondary prevention of CVD in people with chronic periodontitis includes 2 studies which provide very low certainty evidence. No additional studies have been included since the last update in 2019.

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Periodontal treatment to prevent or manage cardiovascular disease

gum disease, scale and polish

Two small RCTs at high risk of bias were included in this Cochrane systematic review looking at the effects of periodontal therapy for primary or secondary prevention of CVD in people with chronic periodontitis.

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Treating periodontitis to prevent heart disease – evidence unclear

heart attack

Only 1 trial at high risk of bias was included in this recent update of a 2014 Cochrane review of periodontal therapy for preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD) providing insufficient evidence to support or refute whether periodontal therapy can prevent the recurrence of CVD in the long term in patients with chronic periodontitis.

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Atherosclerosis and periodontal disease is there an association?


This review looked at the evidence linking carotid atherosclerosis with periodontal disease 15 studies involving 17,330 patients were included. The overall pooled result showed periodontal disease was associated with carotid atherosclerosis, OR=1.27 (95% C; 1.14–1.41; P = 0.001). However, once adjusted for smoking and diabetes mellitus, this reduced to borderline significance OR=1.08 (95% CI; 1.00–1.18; P = 0.05).

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Periodontal disease and coronary disease risk

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15 prospective studies were included in this review of periodontal disease (PD) & coronary disease risk. PD was associated with an increased risk of coronary disease RR=1.19; (95% CI; 1.13–1.26).

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