Results: 30

For: periodontal disease AND young adult

Cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive in postoperative palatal pain management

Gingival graft

This review assessing the effect of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive (CTA) in the management of palatal wound healing and post-operative pain after epithelialised gingival graft harvesting included just 4 small RCTs. While the findings suggest a potential benefit with CTA both the quantity and quality of the available evidence is very limited.

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Photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment

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This review of the adjunctive effects of lasers or antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) to non-surgical periodontal treatment included 17 RCTs. The studies were small and hetrogeneous including just 701 patients in total and of low quality providing very limited evidence.

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Periodontitis: Locally delivered antimicrobials as an adjunct to non-surgical treatment


This review of of locally delivered antimicrobials as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) for the non-surgical treatment of patients with periodontitis included 50 RCTs. While the findings indicate statistically significant benefits for probing pocket depth and clinical attachment level (CAL) at 6-9 months and for CAL at 12-60 months their clinical importance can be questioned. In addition most of the studies(47) were considered to be at high risk of bias.

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Herbal mouthwashes: Are they a useful oral hygiene adjunct?


This review of the the effect of herbal mouthwashes as an adjuvant to oral hygiene measures in reducing plaque and gingival inflammation in adults included 20 RCTs suggesting that most agents performed better than placebo.

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Gingival recession: Stability of root coverage procedures for single gingival recessions


This review evaluating the long-term (≥2 years) stability of root coverage procedures for single gingival recessions included 15 RCTs. the findings suggest that coronally advanced flap (CAF) may lose stability with time while CAF + connective tissue graft may produce a more stable result. However, the quality of the evidence is low.

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Periodontal treatment and glycaemic control in diabetes


This review of the efficacy of scaling and root planning (SRP) and SRP + adjuvant treatments in improving glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic periodontitis included 14 RCTs suggesting some benefit in the short term.

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Intellectual disability and oral health


This review of on the oral health of community dwelling adults with intellectual disabilities included 33 mainly cross-sectional studies showing a the continuing high prevalence of oral disease and treatment need

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Routine scale and polish for periodontal health


Two UK primary care-based trials were included in this Cochrane review update of routine scale and polish. They provide high certainty evidence of litte or no difference between 6- & 12-monthly scale and polish for adult regular attenders without severe periodontitis.

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Periodontitis: How good are current prediction models?


12 prediction models for periodontitis incidence and progression were identified in 7 studies. There were several methodological and reporting shortcomings of published prediction models and indicated further research is required.

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Crown lengthening – Are outcomes stable?


This review to assess if surgical crown lengthening produces stable clinical outcomes only identified 5 small trials all at high risk of bias

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