Results: 38

For: periodontal disease AND caries

How clean is your toothbrush?


This review of the level of toothbrush contamination and the factors affecting contamination in the general population included 15 studies. The findings show that toothbrush contamination occurs after first use and rises with continuing use. However, there is little evidence of significant adverse events from current practices.

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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and oral health

The study participants may not be representative of the real-world population

This review of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) exposure and oral health among adults included 4 cross-sectional studies with the findings indicating an association between ACEs and poor oral health.

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People with severe mental health difficulties are more likely to have poor dental health and dental disorders


Masuma Pervin Mishu summarises an umbrella review on the prevalence of dental disorders among people with severe mental illness.

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Is a chewable toothbrush effective in children?


This review comparing the effectiveness of a chewable toothbrush (CTB) with a manual toothbrush (MTB) in terms of plaque reduction included 7 RCTs. While no significant differences were found between CTB and MTB the availabel studies were small of short duration and of very low certainty.

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Prevention toolkit from Public Health England


An updated version of ‘Delivering Better Oral Health, ’ the oral health prevention toolkit published iby Public Health England to provide practical evidence-based guidance for promoting oral health and preventing oral disease is now available.

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Flossing: Before or after brushing?


This review comparing the clinical performance of flossing before or after toothbrushing included two small RCTs involving a total of 60 patients. The findings suggest no difference with the use of floss before or after toothbrushing however the quality of the evidence is limited.

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Top Dental Elf Blogs: Jul – Sep 2020

The Dental Elf

Our most popular blogs in July August and September covered periodontal surgery, Interproximal caries detection and local anaesthesia for inferior alveolar nerve blocks.

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Dental check-ups: How often should you go?


This Cochrane review update of the optimal recall interval of dental check-up for oral health in a primary care setting included 2 RCTs. The findings show little to no difference between six‐monthly and risk‐based check‐ups in tooth decay, gum disease and quality of life after four years.

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Drug use and oral health status

Very few studies in this review, measured or adjusted for use of other substances such as cannabis.

This review investigating the relationship between drug use (methamphetamines, heroin, opiates, cocaine, cannabis and crack) and oral health includes 10 observational studies showing a higher risk of caries.

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Interdental cleaning devices for prevention and control of caries and periodontal disease


Thi Cochrane review evaluateingthe effectiveness of interdental cleaning devices used at home, in addition to toothbrushing, compared with toothbrushing alone, for preventing and controlling periodontal diseases, caries, and plaque includes 35 RCTs providing low to very low certainty evidence that floss or interdental brushes in addition to toothbrushing may reduce gingivitis or plaque, or both.

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