Results: 94

For: periodontal disease AND oral health

Does motivational Interviewing improve oral health?

This review of motivational interviewing (MI) for the oral morbidities in adults included 7 randomised controlled trials. The findings focused on periodontal outcomes suggesting that MI has the potential to improve plaque and bleeding indicies.

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How clean is your toothbrush?


This review of the level of toothbrush contamination and the factors affecting contamination in the general population included 15 studies. The findings show that toothbrush contamination occurs after first use and rises with continuing use. However, there is little evidence of significant adverse events from current practices.

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Oil pulling for oral health

coconut oil

This review of oil pulling compared to chlorhexidine and other mouthwashes in improving the plaque, gingival and bacteria count parameters included 25 RCTs. However, the studies are modest in size of short duration and all except one study were considered to be at high risk of bias. Consequently the available evidence is of very low certainty and should be interpreted cautiously.

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Oral piercings and periodontal health

oral piercing

This review of the influence of oral piercings on the periodontal health status in adult patients included 8 small observational studies. In line with other reviews the findings indicate adverse effects on periodontal health from oral piercings. However the quality of the evidence is low.

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Smoking and the incidence of peri-implantitis


This review of the influence of smoking on the incidence of peri-implantitis included 6 prospective cohort studies involving a total of 762 patients. The findings suggest an increased patient-level risk of peri-implantitis in smokers risk ratio = 2.08 (95%CI; 1.17 to 3.71.

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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and oral health

The study participants may not be representative of the real-world population

This review of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) exposure and oral health among adults included 4 cross-sectional studies with the findings indicating an association between ACEs and poor oral health.

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People with severe mental health difficulties are more likely to have poor dental health and dental disorders


Masuma Pervin Mishu summarises an umbrella review on the prevalence of dental disorders among people with severe mental illness.

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Mouthwashes, microorganisms and gingivitis in orthodontic patients


This review of the efficacy of mouthwashes on oral microorganisms and gingivitis in orthodontic patients included 32 RCTs. While the findings suggest short-term benefits with adjunctive mouthwash use the findings should be intertpreted cautiously as only one RCT was at low risk of bias and for almost all outccomes the certainty of evidence was rated as very low to low.

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Is a chewable toothbrush effective in children?


This review comparing the effectiveness of a chewable toothbrush (CTB) with a manual toothbrush (MTB) in terms of plaque reduction included 7 RCTs. While no significant differences were found between CTB and MTB the availabel studies were small of short duration and of very low certainty.

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Probiotics for the management of oral halitosis


This review of the efficacy of probiotics in reducing halitosis of dental origin, when compared to a placebo intervention included 8 RCTs. Only one of the study was considered to be at low risk of bias with the authos assessing the evidence as not suggestive of a convincing benefit for the use of probiotics for treatment outcomes of halitosis.

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