Results: 11

For: periodontal disease AND child and adolescent

Does motivational Interviewing improve oral health?

This review of motivational interviewing (MI) for the oral morbidities in adults included 7 randomised controlled trials. The findings focused on periodontal outcomes suggesting that MI has the potential to improve plaque and bleeding indicies.

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Is a chewable toothbrush effective in children?


This review comparing the effectiveness of a chewable toothbrush (CTB) with a manual toothbrush (MTB) in terms of plaque reduction included 7 RCTs. While no significant differences were found between CTB and MTB the availabel studies were small of short duration and of very low certainty.

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Diabetes and periodontal status in children and adolescents


This review comparing the periodontal status of normal children with those living with diabetes regardless of type included 11 studies. While the findings suggest that children and adolescents with diabetes have poorer periodontal status the quality of the evidence is low.

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Periodontal disease: Influence of influence family/parent characteristics


This review of the influence family/parent characteristics on periodontal disease in children and adolescents included 32 onsevations studies suggesting that parental income, education and occupation are assocated with periodontal disease.

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Orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance had no impact on clinical attachment level

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This review of the impact of fixed appliance orthodontic treatment on clinical attachment levels included 9 small prospective studies finding no no clinically relevant detrimental effect. However the overall level of evidence is low to very low.

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Antiseptic oral sprays: Do they improve oral health?


20 RCTs involving a total of 720 patients were included in this review of antiseptic oral sprays in the control of dental plaque and gingivitis. The findings suggest then can reduce plaque levels in the short term.

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Powered toothbrushes for orthodontic patients


This review of powered toothbrushes for periodontal health in orthodontic patients included 9 small RCTs. A small statistically significant benefit was noted in short term use.

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Self-ligating brackets: Brace yourself! It’s time for some spring cleaning!


The Scottish Dental Registrars on a recent systematic review of the effects of self-ligating brackets and conventional brackets on the periodontal status of adolescents undergoing orthodontic treatment.

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Impacted canines – insufficient evidence for best surgical approach for good periodontal outcomes


This review of surgical approaches for the management of labially impacted canines only identified 3 small studies at high risk of bias. These provide insufficient evidence to determine the best approach.

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Psychosocial correlates of oral hygiene behaviour in children and adolescents


This review included 31 data sets from 24 papers and indicates that ‘self-efficacy’, ‘intention’, ‘social influences’, ‘coping planning’ and ‘action planning’ are potential psychosocial determinants of oral health behaviour.

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