Results: 7

For: psychosis AND Technology

Developing engaging online interventions for people with psychosis


Simon Bradstreet explores a recent Australia study, which looks at individual- and intervention-level engagement with online interventions for people with psychosis, and discovers some of the things that can predict engagement with online psychosocial support.

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How can digital technology help close the mortality gap for people with severe mental illness?


Lina Gega from the Closing the Gap Network explores a recent review of digital technology for health promotion, which looks at opportunities to address excess mortality in people living with severe mental illness.

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Digital interventions for psychosis or bipolar disorder: we don’t know very much at all


Mark Brown mulls over a new systematic review on factors affecting the implementation of digital health interventions for people with psychosis or bipolar disorder, and their family and friends.

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Staff views on digital self-management of severe mental illness


Laura Hemming presents a recent qualitative study of staff views on the use of the Internet and smartphones for digital self-management of severe mental health problems.

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Predictors of adherence to digital interventions for psychosis


Joe Barnby and Muna Dubad explore a recent systematic review that looks at the potential predictors of adherence to web-based and mobile technologies for people with psychosis.

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Is there still a digital divide in mental health?


Lisa Marzano writes her debut elf blog on a recent cross-sectional survey of Internet use in people with psychosis and depression, which explores the extent of the digital divide in mental health.

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How do people with psychosis use online health information, and do they tell their clinicians?


Sarah Knowles reviews a recent qualitative study of online mental health information seeking behaviour by people with psychosis.

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