Results: 5

For: psychosis AND diagnostic test

Neuroimaging abnormalities in first-episode psychosis: clinically-relevant or not?


Joe Pierre considers a systematic review and meta-analysis on the prevalence of neuroimaging abnormalities in first-episode psychosis and the clinical relevance for service users presenting with first-episode psychosis.

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Mental health diagnosis: views and experiences of service users and clinicians


Vanessa Pinfold and Jennie Parker from the McPin Foundation explore a recent systematic review of service user, clinician, and carer perspectives on mental health diagnosis.

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Trauma and psychotic experiences: results from a transnational survey


Today Marcus Tan and William Lee publish their debut elf blog on a new paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which investigates the association between traumatic events and subsequent psychotic experiences.

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Prognosis of brief psychotic episodes


Samei Huda presents the findings of a new meta-analysis, which explores the prognostic significance of competing ways of defining and measuring brief psychotic episodes.

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Diagnostic test accuracy of first rank symptoms for schizophrenia


Raphael Underwood summarises a recently updated Cochrane systematic review, which aimed to systematically evaluate the accuracy of first rank symptoms for diagnosing schizophrenia.

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