Results: 11

For: psychosis AND cardiovascular disease

Patterns of inflammation in childhood and mental and cardiometabolic disorders in adulthood: mapping the trajectories


Ruby Tsang summarises a recent longitudinal study of trajectories of inflammation in youth and risk of mental and cardiometabolic disorders in adulthood, which finds that high levels of inflammation in childhood may be linked to an increased risk of psychosis, depression and insulin resistance in early adulthood.

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Genetic risk for schizophrenia is associated with changes in heart structure and function


Nadine Parker and Ole Andreassen summarise a recent UK population-based cohort study, which looks at the impact of polygenic risk for schizophrenia on cardiac structure and function in over 32,000 people.

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South Asia’s silent struggle: people with severe mental illness suffer high burden of physical illness


An international group of experts from the University of York CADA Implementation Science Summer School summarise a recent study on the prevalence of physical health conditions and health risk behaviours in people with severe mental illness in South Asia (Bangladesh, India and Pakistan).

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The caring dyad: how patients and their informal carers experience severe mental illness and cardiometabolic disease


Lydia Poole considers the caring dyad (the relationship experience of the patient and their informal carer) and the realities of living with cardiometabolic risk, metabolic syndrome and severe mental illness.

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Increased risk for physical illness in schizophrenia is not caused by genetic liability for the disorder: according to new data-linkage study


Dolly Sud appraises a recent data linkage study on the impact of schizophrenia genetic liability on the association between schizophrenia and physical illness.

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Reducing cardiovascular risk in people with severe mental illness


Masuma Mishu from the Closing the Gap Network reviews a recent US trial of a comprehensive cardiovascular risk reduction intervention in people with severe mental illness, which shows promising results.

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Walk this way: can a health coaching intervention increase physical activity in people with severe mental illness?

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Gordon Johnston and Michel Syrett prepare for the #HealthSMI event on 24th June by blogging about a recent pilot RCT of a health coaching intervention (Walk This Way) to reduce sedentary behaviour and increase physical activity in people with serious mental illness.

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Cardiovascular risk in severe mental illness: is there a right intervention?


A group of Masters Students from the University of Glasgow Global Mental Health MSc write about the Primrose trial, which looked at the clinical and cost-effectiveness of an intervention for reducing cholesterol and cardiovascular risk in severe mental illness.

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Do interventions proven to improve cardiovascular disease outcomes work for individuals with severe mental illness?

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Individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) have shortened life expectancies compared to the general population. This is partly down to higher rates of chronic physical illness. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death among patients using mental health services. It is assumed that interventions used to reduce CVD are similarly effective in patients with [read the full story…]

Healthy Active Lives (HeAL): tackling premature death in young people with psychosis

Teenage girl holding up her hand

The Healthy Active Lives (HeAL) international consensus statement aims to reverse the trend of people with severe mental illness dying early by tackling risks for future physical illnesses pro-actively and much earlier. The statement is being launched today by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, at a special event focusing on achieving parity between mental and [read the full story…]