Results: 19

For: psychosis AND anxiety

Here comes the sun: associations between daily light exposure and psychiatric disorders


Emiliana Tonini summarises a large-scale cross-sectional study, which suggests that encouraging individuals to increase their exposure to bright natural light during the day and minimise exposure to artificial light at night may help with our mental health.

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What’s the link between neurodevelopmental or mental disorders and school absence or exclusion?


Chris Fielding summarises a Welsh cohort study which finds that neurodevelopmental and mental disorders are linked to school absenteeism and exclusion.

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#SmokingAndMentalHealth conversations: NIHR 3 schools webinar

Tom 01 Smoking and Mental Health cover

SmokingAndMentalHealth – Carolyn Chew-Graham summarises the conversations that took place at the Smoking and Mental Health webinar on 28th September 2022.

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Youth mental health interventions: umbrella review presents efficacy and acceptability data


In his debut blog, Nick Meader tackles a huge umbrella review of youth mental health interventions, which presents the efficacy and acceptability of 72 different approaches to help children and young people.

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The global burden of disease from mental disorders remains high


Alejandro Arguelles Bullon summarises the latest Global Burden of Disease study (2019) looking at the prevalence, incidence and impact that mental disorders have on our lives, which shows no reduction in the burden over the last 30 years.

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Is there a causal link between mental health problems and risk of COVID-19 infection?


In his debut blog, Andrew Steptoe summarises two recent papers using electronic health record datasets, which suggest that having a psychiatric diagnosis may put people at risk of COVID-19 infection.

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Long-term outcomes of childhood sexual abuse #ISTSS2019


Raphael Underwood summarises a recent umbrella review (a synthesis of meta-analyses), which aimed to evaluate the current literature regarding childhood sexual abuse and long-term outcomes (psychosocial outcomes, psychiatric diagnoses and physical health outcomes).

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Do you have my back? Perceived social support, loneliness, and its impact on mental health outcomes


In the lead up to our Loneliness Mental Health Question Time on 3rd Dec 2018, Dr Michelle Lim summarises a recent systematic review on the associations between loneliness and perceived social support and outcomes of mental health problems.

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Common mental health problems and psychotic experiences in IAPT

Psychodynamic therapy draws on theories and practices of analytical psychology and psychoanalysis.

Mark Smith reviews a recent service evaluation looking at common mental health conditions and psychotic experiences occurring at the same time in IAPT services.

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Bullying in childhood: cause or consequence of mental health problems? #AntiBullyingWeek

Educating children about early mental health difficulties and reducing stigma may help to reduce the risk of children with depressive symptoms or ADHD being bullied.

Stefan Brugger publishes his debut elf blog on a recent study, which looks at the role of vulnerability and resilience in relation to mental health and bullying in childhood.

Today marks the start of #AntiBullyingWeek, so look out for lots of activity around this theme on social media.

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