Results: 5

For: dementia AND diagnostic test

Cognitive tests for dementia: MMSE, Mini-Cog and ACE-R


Akshay Nair explores the results of a systematic review of cognitive tests for dementia and mild cognitive impairment, which focuses on the MMSE, Mini-Cog, ACE-R and MoCA instruments. Along the way he explains how diagnostic tests work and how sensitivity and specificity are useful measures to get your head around.

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The Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale is a good tool for diagnosing dementia in multicultural populations


Clarissa Giebel summarises a systematic review, which concludes that the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) has good sensitivity (77.2%) and specificity (85.9%) for diagnosing dementia in multicultural populations.

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A multitude of systematic reviews on dementia diagnosis


Clarissa Giebel highlights 5 new Cochrane reviews on dementia diagnosis, focusing on the Mini-Cog, IQCODE and MMSE diagnostic tests.

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Mini-Cog for dementia diagnosis in the community


Clarissa Giebel writes her debut Mental Elf blog about a recent Cochrane systematic review of the Mini-Cog for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease dementia and other dementias within a community setting.

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Dementia and the drive to increase diagnosis rates: the debate goes on


As part of its excellent ‘Too Much Medicine’ series, the British Medical Journal last week published an important analysis of the current direction of travel in the field of dementia care. The article is hard to ignore, written as it is by highly authoritative academics from the UK and Australia, including Professor Carol Brayne, an [read the full story…]