Results: 23

For: dementia AND randomised controlled trial

The Care Ecosystem: telephone support to help people with dementia and their carers

Woman on the phone

A UCL MSc group of students review a US randomised controlled trial of the ‘Care Ecosystem’; collaborative care for dementia delivered by telephone and internet, which suggests improvements in quality of life and caregiver well-being, and reductions in health service use.

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STrAtegies for RelaTives (START): long-lasting effect on the wellbeing of family carers of dementia patients


A group of UCL Mental Health MSc students summarise a recent RCT assessing the clinical and cost-effectiveness over 6 years of the START intervention for family carers of people with dementia.

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MARQUE training to reduce agitation in dementia in care homes


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise an RCT on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the MARQUE intervention (Managing Agitation and Raising Quality of Life) for agitation in people with dementia in care homes.

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Advance care planning in dementia nursing homes with family carers

Josie Dixon considers a paired-cluster randomised controlled trial of an advance care planning intervention, called the Family Carer Decision Support (FCDS) intervention, undertaken by Kevin Brazil and colleagues (2018) in dementia nursing homes.

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Sleep problems in dementia: a promising treatment?


A group of UCL Masters Students summarise the DREAMS-START trial (Dementia RElAted Manual for Sleep; STrAtegies for RelaTives), which looks at the feasibility and acceptability of a simple 6 session intervention delivered by psychology graduates for people with dementia and their carers affected by sleep disturbances.

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Person-centred care for dementia: impact on quality of life, agitation and antipsychotic use


Hilary Shepherd reports on a recent paper from the WHELD trial on the impact of person-centred care training and person-centred activities on quality of life, agitation, and antipsychotic use in people with dementia living in nursing homes.

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Improving health related quality of life for people with dementia in care homes


Hilary Shepherd writes her debut blog on a new paper from the WHELD cluster RCT, which looks at the impact of antipsychotic review and psychosocial intervention on health-related quality of life in people with dementia living in care homes.

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Reminiscence groups for people with dementia and their family carers: REMCARE trial


Elizabeth Collier writes her debut blog on the REMCARE randomised controlled trial of reminiscence groups for people with dementia and their family carers.

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Dementia in Down syndrome: Are we ready for a clinical trial?


Leen Vereenooghe summarises the TOP-COG study (Towards Onset Prevention of COGnitive decline in adults with Down syndrome). This pilot RCT highlights the need to educate people with learning disabilities and their carers about the importance of research participation.

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Cognitive stimulation therapy for dementia


Clarissa Giebel summarises a multicentre RCT that assesses the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of individual cognitive stimulation therapy for dementia.

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