Results: 17

For: dementia AND depression

New evidence on treatments for symptoms of depression in dementia


Andrew Sommerlad appraises a recent review on the efficacy of interventions for depression in people with dementia, which identified several non-drug treatments that can have a meaningful effect on depressive symptoms in dementia.

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Antidepressants for depression in Alzheimer’s Disease


The EQUATOR Publication School #EQPubSchool group summarise a systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of antidepressants for depression in Alzheimer’s Disease, which finds no statistical difference between antidepressants and placebo.

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NICE guidelines: mental health problems in people with learning disabilities


Rachel Allan and Tom Crossland present the recent NICE guidance on mental health problems in people with learning disabilities, and comment on how useful these new recommendations are for people with learning disabilities and their care givers.

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Psychotherapies for depression and anxiety in dementia

The study highlighted a lack of evidence about what CMHT services work for older people.

Clarissa Giebel summarises a recent systematic review that investigates the effectiveness of various psychotherapies (CBT, interpersonal therapy, counselling) for depression and anxiety in people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment.

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'Strategies for Relatives': improving mental health for family carers of people with dementia


In her latest blog, Clarissa Giebel examines research into the effectiveness of the ‘Strategies for Relatives’ psychological and educational training programme for family carers of people with dementia and explores what the findings might mean for wider programme implementation.

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Meta-review presents the risks of all-cause and suicide mortality in mental disorders


This recent and well-conducted meta-review concludes that the impact on mortality and suicide of mental disorders is substantial, and probably poorly appreciated as a public health problem. Raphael Underwood’s blog summarises the data for all-cause and suicide mortality in mental disorders.

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Are there any effective interventions for preventing falls in older people with mental health problems?


Falls are estimated to cost the NHS more than £2.3 billion per year (College of Optometrists, 2011) and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. This fact alone should be giving us the drive to look for ways to prevent falls in healthcare settings. A systematic review recently published in BMC Nursing (Bunn et al, 2014) is [read the full story…]

Psychological treatment may be useful in reducing depression and anxiety in people with dementia, says new Cochrane review


Depression and anxiety are both common conditions in patients with dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), with some studies finding around 30% of patients show at least some depressive symptoms (Enache et al, 2011). Similarly, a study on vascular dementia found around 70% of participants had two or more symptoms of anxiety (Ballard et al, 2000). [read the full story…]