Results: 5

For: dementia AND personalisation

Dementia day programmes: how can we tell if they are effective?


Caroline Struthers looks at a study on the effectiveness of a NZ dementia day programme but wonders about the use of outcomes measures in the research.

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Direct payments, dementia and 'suitable persons'


Jeanne Carlin examines a study looking at how direct payments to ‘suitable persons’ might work for people with dementia, their carers and practitioners.

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Cognitive impairment in dementia need not prevent shared decision making


In her first blog for the Social Care Elf, Caroline Struthers looks at research on cognitive impairment and shared decision making for people with dementia and offers useful tips on understanding research reviews. She also shares some of her own personal experience of the research topic and reminds us about reliable evidence having real-life applications.

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'Strategies for Relatives': improving mental health for family carers of people with dementia


In her latest blog, Clarissa Giebel examines research into the effectiveness of the ‘Strategies for Relatives’ psychological and educational training programme for family carers of people with dementia and explores what the findings might mean for wider programme implementation.

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