Results: 27

For: dementia AND risk factors

Sex differences in dementia risk and risk factors


In a joint blog, Dr Esha Abrol and Dr Clara Belessiotis-Richards critique this individual participant meta-analysis on sex differences in dementia risk and risk factors.

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Are changes in blood pressure and weight linked to later dementia?


Meenakshi Shukla summarises a systematic review exploring the trajectory of blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol and incident dementia.

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Survivors of genocide more likely to develop dementia, according to new Israeli study


Anna Sri explores a recent Israeli study which suggests that people exposed to genocide are more likely to develop dementia, even when a range of confounders are accounted for.

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Too much TV is associated with decline in verbal memory


Sarah Gregory summarises findings from a large dataset analysis which explores the relationship between watching television and later cognitive decline.

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New genes implicated in Alzheimer’s disease #LetsTalkMentalHealthII


Byron Creese writes a #LetsTalkMentalHealthII blog about a recent genome-wide meta-analysis which identifies new loci and functional pathways influencing Alzheimer’s disease risk.

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Lack of wealth may increase our risk of dementia

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A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise a recent cohort study of the individual and area-based socioeconomic factors associated with dementia incidence in England.

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Can museums help prevent dementia?


Dafni Katsampa and Derek Tracy get all cultured and summarise a retrospective cohort study of museum attendance and dementia incidence, which suggests that cultural engagement may help protect us from cognitive decline.

The research is led by Daisy Fancourt who heads up the new MARCH Network which is launching later this month.

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Traumatic brain injury increases the long-term risk of dementia #DAW18


Eleanor Kennedy summarises a Danish observational cohort study, which looks at the long-term risk of dementia among people with traumatic brain injury.

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Moderate and heavy alcohol consumption: what impact on later life brain and cognition?


Sally Adams summarises a recent clinical review in Evidence Based Mental Health on the effects of drinking alcohol on late-life brain and cognition.

Follow #EBMHchat today from 3pm for an expert Google Hangout on this paper.

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Alcohol is the number one modifiable risk factor for dementia


Marie Crabbe looks at a recent retrospective cohort study in The Lancet Public Health which explores the contribution of alcohol use disorders to the burden of dementia in France.

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