Results: 2

For: mental illness prevention AND screening programme

Physical health monitoring in serious mental illness is a priority in psychiatry, but where is the evidence that it works?

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It is widely acknowledged that individuals with serious mental illnesses (SMI) such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and severe depression have increased rates of mortality, due to poor physical health. As well as reducing quality of life and function and decreasing life expectancy, physical illness can worsen these mental illnesses. The reasons for this include lifestyle [read the full story…]

Lower rates of cervical and breast screening found in Canadian population study

breast and cervical screening

Lower rates of cervical and breast cancer screening have been reported in women with learning disabilities when compared to the general population. The researchers in this Canadian Study set out to look at whether there were any differences in the rates of cervical and breast screening between women with learning disabilities and those without. As [read the full story…]