Results: 3

For: coproduction AND Technology

Patients included? Twitter impact at health care conferences


Amy Price considers the impact that patient participation can have at health care conferences: increased information flow, greater reach and impact, and deeper engagement in the conversation of tweets compared to physicians or researchers.

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The future of mental health care: time for a social perspective?


#UCLJournalClub students worked collaboratively on this blog, which summarises a recent personal view in The Lancet Psychiatry about possible scenarios for the future of mental health care.

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Elf help to ensure your research has digital impact #ResearchWales16


This post accompanies a talk I’m giving in Cardiff today at the Research with Impact conference organised by Health and Care Research Wales. Please read the blog, peruse my slides and let me know what you think. It’s an exciting time for us elves!

[read the full story...]