Results: 5

For: coproduction AND young adult

Young LGBTQ+ People in Residential Social Care Face Pervasive Discrimination and Unmet Need


Happy New Year to one and all from down here in the woodland. To start us off with a bang for 2024, we have a blog from Lizzie Furber, one of our social care elf editorial team, highlighting a scoping review that is the first of its kind in the UK. Introduction LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, [read the full story…]

When it comes to youth mental health, let’s focus on screen-use not screen-time


In her debut blog, Linda Kaye summarises a paper that presents a youth mental health research priority setting exercise, which finds that research should be focussing on screen use not screen time.

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Trans pathways: mental health care for transgender and gender diverse young people in Australia


Talen Wright reviews a recent paper on the Trans Pathways study, which looks at mental health care for transgender and gender diverse young people in Australia.

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Coproducing qualitative mental health research with young people

While there has been more political and media attention to the situation of care homes, this paper suggests a commonality of experience in the frontline between care homes and home care staff.

Following her blog yesterday, Natalie Berry explores a related paper by the same authors, which reflects on co-producing a qualitative study with young people during the era of COVID-19.

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Youth mental health research priorities: Right People, Right Questions #YoungPeopleMHQ

top ten are here square

Pooky Knightsmith summarises and discusses a brand new report from the McPin Foundation, which presents research priorities for children and young people’s mental health.

[read the full story...]