Results: 7

For: coproduction AND child and adolescent

When it comes to youth mental health, let’s focus on screen-use not screen-time


In her debut blog, Linda Kaye summarises a paper that presents a youth mental health research priority setting exercise, which finds that research should be focussing on screen use not screen time.

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Young People’s Advisory Groups (YPAGs): how do they work and what impact do they have?


Lindsay Dewa reports on a recent scoping review of Young People’s Advisory Groups in health research, which finds that the voices of young people are still not being meaningfully included in youth health research.

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Joining the dots: how can we support all young people to seek help for their mental health problems?


In her debut blog, Vanessa Bennett looks at a systematic review which examines barriers, facilitators and interventions for help-seeking in adolescents, and describes her Emerging Minds placement on characterising peer-support via the Childline online message-boards.

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Trans pathways: mental health care for transgender and gender diverse young people in Australia


Talen Wright reviews a recent paper on the Trans Pathways study, which looks at mental health care for transgender and gender diverse young people in Australia.

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Coproducing qualitative mental health research with young people

While there has been more political and media attention to the situation of care homes, this paper suggests a commonality of experience in the frontline between care homes and home care staff.

Following her blog yesterday, Natalie Berry explores a related paper by the same authors, which reflects on co-producing a qualitative study with young people during the era of COVID-19.

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How many ways do they need to say it? Young autistic people need support for their mental health.

Autistic people with mental health needs are clear that they need specialised services and these can only be effective if people are properly trained in both mental health and autism.

Vaso Totsika’s blog considers a study by Crane and colleagues, which seeks to further our understanding of how young autistic people experience the world of service provision in relation to their mental health needs, and in particular at the time of transition from child to adult services.

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Youth mental health research priorities: Right People, Right Questions #YoungPeopleMHQ

top ten are here square

Pooky Knightsmith summarises and discusses a brand new report from the McPin Foundation, which presents research priorities for children and young people’s mental health.

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