Results: 8

For: challenging behaviour AND psychotherapy

Measure of confidence in providing psychological therapies for people with learning disabilities could help with outcome measurement


We report on a recent study, which involved developing a measure of confidence in delivering psychotherapy for people with learning disabilities.

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Costs of CBT for anger management tested against 'as usual' day service

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Last week we posted about the publication of a new manual for therapists engaged in providing cognitive behavioural therapy to people with learning disabilities . In that post, we drew attention to two randomised trials that had been done in the early 2000’s whose findings were m anger – encouraging. This latest study adds a [read the full story…]

New manual for cognitive behavioural treatment in people with learning disabilities published online


Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is used in mainstream services and the evidence for its effectiveness is growing. For people with learning disabilities, there is a growing evidence base for in relation to psychological interventions more generally, although much of the much of the research on CBT has come from forensic secure units. CBT Randomised controlled [read the full story…]

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy shows goal attainment gains in people with mild learning disabilities

Documents published representing a ‘manualised’ cognitive behavioural therapy treatment for trained CBT therapists

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) focuses on evoking desired behaviour rather than on diminishing existing problem behaviour. It is goal directed and collaborative in its approach to helping people achieve behavioural change. The therapist works to help establish a vision of a desired future using a series of precisely worded questions. In SFBT, the goal of [read the full story…]

Rapid generation of evidence for interventions in mental health of people with learning disabilities needed

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A couple of months ago, we posted about a trial of group based cognitive therapy to help with anger management in people with learning disabilities. The study was interesting in that it showed the approach was effective in improving anger control and in decreasing supporter rated challenging behaviour. What was also interesting about the trial [read the full story…]

Mindfulness can impact on quality of life for people with learning disabilities, but more research needed


Mindfulness is an approach to life based on an ancient Buddhist practice which means paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgemental manner, which aims to increase awareness, clarity and acceptance. As a number of studies have looked at mindfulness-based interventions the authors of this narrative review set out to look at the clinical [read the full story…]

Group-based CBT effective in improving anger control by people with learning disabilities

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Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an approach used to help people manage problems by changing the way they think and behave. It is a talking therapy designed to help examine they way in which their actions can affect they way they think and feel. It looks for practical ways to improve states of mind on [read the full story…]

Mindfulness based psychotherapy can be adapted for people with learning disabilities and mental health issues or challenging behaviour


Mindfulness as described in modern psychology relates to a way of people bringing complete attention to their present experience and involves responding to that experience with a non-judgmental attitude.The authors of this study wanted to review the adaptation and application of mindfulness-based psychotherapeutic practices for people with learning disabilities. They provide an overview of the [read the full story…]