Results: 9

For: challenging behaviour AND systematic review

Behavioural/cognitive-behavioural interventions in aggressive challenging behaviour

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Reported rates of seriously challenging behaviour vary considerably in the literature, but the impact can be significant on the person, their family and their supporters.

Here we look at what a Cochrane review of the evidence from randomised controlled trials has to say about the effectiveness of behavioural and cognitive-behavioural interventions for what is defined as outwardly aggressive challenging behaviour.

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What is it like to receive or use restraint interventions? A systematic review of the literature


Whilst there is a good deal of research into the use of physical interventions in the management of challenging behaviour, there is less available on the way these are experienced by people receiving them, or the staff and family carers involved.

Here, Rose Tomlins looks at a review of the literature that focused on these experiences.

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Can self-injurious behaviour be reduced by medication in individuals with intellectual disabilities?


Self injurious behaviour in people with learning disabilities, as well as causing physical harm, can have a major impact on quality of life. It is not entirely clear why people engage in self injurious behaviours, but one theory suggests that it may be connected with an opiate euphoria. If this is so, it might be that medications that blocked these opiates might impact on levels of SIB.

Here, Rachel Allen looks at a systematic review that set out to address that question.

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Trial-Based Functional Analysis has limited validity outside of defined clinical settings

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Responses to behaviour that challenges are far more likely to be successful if based on good quality functional analysis.

In his debut blog, Russell Woolgar considers the effectiveness of Trial Based Functional Assessment, and looks at a systematic review which also aims to identify future areas for research.

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Lack of studies of pharmacological interventions among adults with autism and learning disability leave clinicians with little guidance

Researchers looked at the use of psychotropic medications over time

1 in 100 adults experience autism worldwide but little research exists on autism in adults. Adults with autism and learning disability may have distinct needs, and in particular challenging behaviour, which may increase their social isolation and reduce access to quality health care.

In her debut blog, Kate van Dooren looks at a systematic review from Canadian researchers who examined the evidence for the use of medications for challenging behaviours in adults with autism and learning disability.

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Challenging behaviour training may change carer attributions whether or not these are the focus of training


We have posted previously about the impact of carer attributions regarding the behaviour of people with learning disabilities and the impact these can have on carer responses. The authors of this systematic review were interested in the effects of carer training in challenging and complex behaviour. The researchers searched the literature and included papers that [read the full story…]

Review highlights need for specific models to measure quality of life for people with learning disabilities

Analysis showed significant lack of robust evidence on impact or cost effectiveness

A key indicator of service outcomes for people with learning disabilities is quality of life. However, there continues to be debate in the literature about the best way to define this and the best way to measure it. Most of the major service providers in the UK for example have some form of routine outcome [read the full story…]

Review suggests evidence in favour of risperidone but warns of continued adverse events

Antipsychotic overprescribing is common in people with learning disabilities who have no record of severe mental illness.

This systematic review set out to look at the efficacy of atypical antipsychotic medication, also known as second generation antipsychotics, commonly used in the treatment of schizophrenia. There continues to be debate around whether these second-generation medications are safer or more effective than typical antipsychotics as they still can produce severe side effects. Other posts [read the full story…]

Call for guidelines on role of physical conditions in challenging behaviour


Physical factors can be a cause of some challenging behaviours in people with learning disabilities and this systematic review set out to determine what these conditions might be. The search covered the period 1990 and 2008and identified 45 studies. These looked at general medical conditions, motor impairment, epilepsy, sensory impairment, gastrointestinal disease, sleep disorders, dementia [read the full story…]