Results: 33

For: self-harm AND child and adolescent

Adolescents with disabilities at higher risk of self-harm, but intersectionality also a vital consideration


Elisha Joshi reviews a study exploring the prevalence and risk factors for self-harm in adolescents with and without disabilities living in the UK.

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Young people’s experiences of suicidal distress in their own words


India Bellairs-Walsh summarise a Scottish qualitative study of young people’s lived experiences of suicide and self-harm, which explores intention, rationality and authenticity, and has many implications for practice.

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How do friendships influence adolescent self-injurious thoughts and behaviours?


In her debut blog, Bella Brereton writes with Rasanat Fatima Nawaz to summarise a systematic review that explored the associations between self-injurious thoughts and behaviours and school-based friendship networks in adolescents, using sociometric data.

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Suicide and self-harm in children: prevalence rates cause for concern


In Mahmoud Arif’s debut blog, he and Rasanat Fatima Nawaz summarise a meta-analysis published in The Lancet Psychiatry, which estimated the prevalence rates of self-harm behaviours and suicidal ideation in children aged 12 years and under.

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Are the kids alright? Emergency help for suicide and self-harm during the COVID-19 pandemic


In her debut blog, Molly McCarthy appraises a recent Lancet Psychiatry systematic review and meta-analysis exploring the patterns of paediatric emergency department visits for suicide attempts, suicidal ideation, and self-harm incidents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Trans and gender diverse youth more likely to be admitted to hospital for suicidality and self-harm, according to US study


Sarah Carr reflects on a recent US study that “perhaps tells us something deeper about the discrimination and stigmatisation in mental health that needs to be tackled.”

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What’s the link between neurodevelopmental or mental disorders and school absence or exclusion?


Chris Fielding summarises a Welsh cohort study which finds that neurodevelopmental and mental disorders are linked to school absenteeism and exclusion.

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Can smartphone apps help female adolescents who self-harm?


Natalie Kashirsky summarises a qualitative study finding that young people think “smartphone apps are cool”, but possibly unhelpful for coping with self-harm.

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Hospital presentations for self-harm: a window of opportunity to prevent or treat psychosis and bipolar disorder

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Alison Clarke and Jo Robinson review a Finnish cohort study which suggests that hospital presentations for self-harm represent a clear opportunity for the identification and subsequent treatment of psychosis and bipolar disorder.

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Online sharing of self-harm–related images amongst young people: a cause for concern?


In her debut blog, Prianka Padmanathan summarises a recent systematic review on the impact of online sharing and viewing of self-harm–related videos and photographs among young people.

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