Results: 18

For: topical

How can we help young people feel less lonely? What do young people want?


Lauren Turner appraises a qualitative study exploring young people’s views on the acceptability and feasibility of youth loneliness interventions.

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Childhood neglect: the neglected trauma? 


Dhea Bengardi summarises a systematic review exploring the prevalence of different types of neglect across a wide variety of mental health conditions.

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All eyes on the ward: the use and impact of surveillance in inpatient mental health settings


Nima Hunt summarises a new systematic review published today on the use and impact of surveillance-based technology initiatives in inpatient and acute mental health settings. The review suggests that surveillance technologies should not be used in mental health settings until further research supports their use.

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Social determinants increase depression risk: key findings from umbrella review


Ayana Cant summarises the findings from a recent umbrella review on the social determinants of mental health in major depressive disorder, which suggests that early life adversities, intimate partner violence, and food insecurity were the biggest risk factors for depression.

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Can rights-based practitioner-research contribute to both civic inclusion and inform the social care evidence-base?


The paper sets out and examines the impact of a local project called Promote the Vote running in West Yorkshire.

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Loneliness in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: All the lonely people, where [in Canada] do they all come from?


Heather McClelland reviews a recent study which explores who is most likely to experience loneliness in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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What do rights and choice in social care mean for people with learning disabilities?


In his debut Social Care Elf blog, Mike Clark, of the NIHR School for Social Care Research, London School for Economics, reflects on a conceptual study looking at the human rights of people with learning disabilities in an era of ‘choice’.

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Special focus, knowledge, and skill required to ensure healthcare needs of people with learning disabilities are met


We have posted a number of times about the healthcare needs of people with learning disabilities and in particular the responses of the healthcare services. Recently, the results of the Confidential Inquiry into Premature Deaths of People with Learning Disabilities was published which found that men with learning disabilities died on average 13 years earlier [read the full story…]