Results: 67

For: systems

Early intervention for psychosis: updated Cochrane review remains inconclusive

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The Cochrane Scizophrenia Group have updated the systematic review that brings together all randomised controlled trials (RCTs) designed to prevent progression to psychosis in people showing prodromal symptoms, or to improve outcome for people with first-episode psychosis. The reviewers found 18 RCTs this time around, but (as is often the case with systematic reviews) the [read the full story…]

Agreements needed to ensure good palliative care for people with learning disabilities and advanced dementia


In common with other European countries, Ireland’s national database of people with learning disabilities has shown increasing ageing trends in prevalence rates and the biggest proportional increase in the next 5-10 years is expected to be will be among persons aged 50 years and over with the associated risks of developing diseases such as dementia. [read the full story…]

Carers' perspectives on end of life care for people with learning disabilities


Whilst there is a developing literature aimed at a better understanding of end of life care for people with learning disabilities, there is little published that relates directly to the perspectives of paid carers. The researchers in this study used a series of focus groups to analyse responses from 64 people who worked in learning [read the full story…]

Identifying and managing common mental health disorders. New NICE guideline focuses on primary care and the stepped care model.

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NICE have published a new guideline today with the usual collection of supporting documents.  Here’s the blurb from their website: This clinical guideline offers evidence-based advice on the care and treatment of adults who have common mental health disorders, with a particular focus on primary care. It brings together advice from existing guidelines and combines [read the full story…]

New briefing to help commissioners and providers deliver services for early intervention in psychosis

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The NHS Confederation Mental Health Network have published another excellent briefing paper aimed at commissioners and providers.  This time they are tackling how best to plan and deliver early intervention in psychosis services. Here’s the summary: In the current challenging financial climate, mental health organisations are looking at how they can do things differently to [read the full story…]

Staff training on palliative care improves practice for people with learning disabilities.


A three phase project to develop, implement, and evaluate a palliative care training programme responsive to learning needs of staff providing services and supports for individuals with learning disabilities living in long-term care settings was evaluated. Participants in the programme were asked to rate their levels of preparation and confidence, before and after receiving the [read the full story…]

Self-injurious behaviour persists for 20 years in over 80% of sample of people with learning disabilities.

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An examination of the quality of life and changes in behaviour for a cohort of 49 people with intellectual disabilities and self injurious behaviour (SIB) over time.  84% of the sample continued to self-injure nearly 20 years on, and whilst a number of people had moved from hospital in the period their SIB had not reduced. More [read the full story…]