Raphael Underwood summarises a recent PSSRU report about the growth in use of early intervention in psychosis services, which highlights opportunities to promote recovery amid concerns on health care sustainability.
[read the full story...]Results: 37
For: early intervention in psychosisEconomic impact of youth mental health services in the UK
Alastair Canaway and Chris Sampson look at a new PSSRU report on youth mental health services in the UK, and how they affect health, education and employment.
[read the full story...]Integrated treatment for first episode psychosis: media hype versus reality
Alex Langford reflects on the media hype surrounding a new RCT of the NAVIGATE intervention; a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, team-based treatment approach for first episode psychosis.
[read the full story...]Epidemiological tools help commissioners allocate resources more effectively, suggests research
Caroline De Brun highlights the Psymaptic epidemiological prediction tool, which helps commissioners make evidence-based decisions about mental health service provision, specifically early intervention in psychosis.
[read the full story...]Long duration of untreated psychosis is associated with a range of poor outcomes
Joe Judge appraises a recent systematic review and meta-analysis looking at the duration of untreated psychosis as a predictor of long-term outcomes in schizophrenia.
[read the full story...]Second National Audit of Schizophrenia highlights lack of progress for service users and carers
André Tomlin summarises the second National Audit of Schizophrenia, which highlights that many people with schizophrenia are still not getting the high quality psychological and medical treatment they deserve.
[read the full story...]A strong business case exists for investing in early and community-based interventions for mental health, says report
This report provides everything that is needed for people working in mental health services to make a business case for investing in early and community-based interventions. This includes, commissioners, practitioners, local authorities, policy-makers, providers, and social care. As part of this document, the authors have provided the evidence for the cost-effectiveness of a range of [read the full story…]
Cognitive therapy is a non-stigmatising intervention for people at risk of psychosis
Criteria to identify subgroups experiencing an at-risk mental state (ARMS) have been developed and are widely adopted internationally, but this has fueled recent debates about unintended stigmatising consequences of identifying and providing treatment to people at risk of psychosis. While the Early Detection and Intervention Evaluation 2 (EDIE-2) trial has shown that cognitive therapy (CT) [read the full story…]
Individual CBT, with or without family CBT, could be the best first line treatment for people at high risk of schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a debilitating illness that affects an estimated 25 million people worldwide. People with the condition can experience a huge amount of disability (both social, physical and psychological), but we know that early intervention can help reduce the duration of the illness and prevent further episodes of relapse. People with schizophrenia usually experience a [read the full story…]
Schizophrenia Commission report highlights what we can all do to improve care and understanding
The research and campaigns relating to life outcomes for people with schizophrenia and psychosis are truly shocking. It seems unbelievable that people with schizophrenia face a lifespan 15-20 years shorter than the general population and that only 7% are able to hold down a job. Paul Jenkins from Rethink Mental Illness sums it up nicely: [read the full story…]