The NHS Confederation Mental Health Network have published another excellent briefing paper aimed at commissioners and providers. This time they are tackling how best to plan and deliver early intervention in psychosis services.
Here’s the summary:
In the current challenging financial climate, mental health organisations are looking at how they can do things differently to maximise resources and reduce costs while still improving people’s care and their experience of services.
Community mental health services include community mental health teams, crisis and home resolution teams, assertive outreach teams and early intervention in psychosis teams, and all have a key role in preventing costly inpatient admissions. However, making efficiencies in community services has become a significant focus for many providers.
This briefing presents the evidence base and some key considerations which may helpfully inform and provide a focus for discussions between commissioners and providers in the planning and delivery of community mental health and early intervention in psychosis (EIP) services. There is a real challenge to maintain the effectiveness of EIP teams while making community services more cost effective, streamlined and easier to navigate by service users and other health and social care professionals.
Unfortunately, you have to be a member of the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network to assess the full-text of the briefing.
Early intervention in psychosis services. NHS Confederation. May 2011.