Results: 50

For: self-management

Can yoga help treat depression in people with other mental health problems?


Briana Applewhite summarises a recent systematic review about the effects of yoga on depression symptoms in people with mental disorders.

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Psychological resilience to suicidal thoughts and behaviours in people with schizophrenia


Emily Hielscher reviews a recent qualitative study that examines factors that contribute to psychological resilience to suicidal thoughts and behaviours in people with schizophrenia or psychosis.

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A picture tells a thousand words, or does it? Photography and youth mental health


Laura Caven and Chris O’Sullivan summarise a recent qualitative study on young people’s experiences and perceptions of mental health and well-being through photography.

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What are the people hearing voices saying?


A group of psychiatrists from the Springfield University Hospital Journal Club summarise a recent qualitative study about the socioeconomic factors involved in recovery for people with psychosis.

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Developing engaging online interventions for people with psychosis


Simon Bradstreet explores a recent Australia study, which looks at individual- and intervention-level engagement with online interventions for people with psychosis, and discovers some of the things that can predict engagement with online psychosocial support.

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How can digital technology help close the mortality gap for people with severe mental illness?


Lina Gega from the Closing the Gap Network explores a recent review of digital technology for health promotion, which looks at opportunities to address excess mortality in people living with severe mental illness.

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Digital self-management of schizophrenia: the MindFrame app


Muna Dubad explores a Danish qualitative analysis of young adults’ perspectives of a smartphone app (MindFrame), which is designed for people recently diagnosed with schizophrenia, to empower them to self-manage their condition.

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Is self-management ready for the mental health mainstream?


Josefien Breedvelt and Peter Coventry explore a new systematic review and meta-analysis of self-management interventions for people with severe mental illness.

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After the crisis: self-management and peer-support

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Jenny Collom, Maria Giorgalli and Derek Tracy welcome a new RCT published yesterday in The Lancet which demonstrates the benefits of peer-supported self-management for people discharged from a mental health crisis team.

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Staff views on digital self-management of severe mental illness


Laura Hemming presents a recent qualitative study of staff views on the use of the Internet and smartphones for digital self-management of severe mental health problems.

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