I dont know about you but I love walking around the woodland especially when it’s with the other elves and the Exercise Works folk when we find ourselves chatting about the latest evidence.
It just so happens that there is a recent systematic review that examines the effects of walking interventions on pain and self-reported function in individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Here’s what they did
They searched six electronic databases (Medline, CINAHL, PsychINFO, PEDro, Sport Discus and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) January 1980 up to March 2014 for randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials in adults with chronic low back pain, osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia comparing walking interventions to a non-exercise or non-walking exercise control group. Methodological quality of studies was assessed using the United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) system.

They searched for trials in adults with chronic low back pain, osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia comparing walking interventions to a non-exercise or non-walking exercise control group
Here’s what they found
Twenty-six studies (2384 participants) were included and suitable data from 17 were pooled for meta-analysis. with a random effects model used to calculate between group mean differences and 95% confidence intervals. Data were analyzed according to length of follow-up (short-term: ≤8 weeks post randomization; medium-term: >2 months – 12 months; long-term: > 12 months).
- Twenty four of the studies were randomized controlled trials and 12 provided data for OA, eight for Fybromyalgia Syndrome, five for Chronic Low Back Pain and one included participants with chronic hip, lower back or knee pain.
- For the majority of studies (19/26, 73%) walking was supervised in a hospital clinic, gymnasium or other setting.
- Some studies combined supervised walking with instructions to walk at home; and six were home-based.
- Three studies used pedometers to assist with step-based walking
- Walking exercise was associated with small to moderate improvements in pain at short (mean difference (MD) -5.31, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) -8.06 to -2.56) and medium-term follow-up (MD -7.92, 95% CI -12.37 to -3.48).
- Improvements in function were observed at short (MD -6.47, 95% CI -12.00 to -0.95), medium (MD -9.31, 95% CI -14.00 to -4.61) and long-term follow-up (MD -5.22, 95% CI 7.21 to -3.23).
The authors concluded
Evidence of fair methodological quality suggests that walking is associated with significant improvements in outcome compared to control interventions but longer-term effectiveness is uncertain.
Using the USPSTF system, walking can be recommended as an effective form of exercise or activity for individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain but should be supplemented with strategies aimed at maintaining participation.
The Musculoskeletal Elf’s view
So it appears that exercise is beneficial in improving pain symptoms and function in people with chronic musculoskeletal pain. But are there any potential harms from exercise? Eleven studies included a statement of associated adverse events. These included two falls resulting in distal radial fractures, one fall resulting in a hip fracture, one case of plantar fasciitis. Two studies including participants with fibromyalgia reported a general increase in reporting of pain and muscle stiffness.
Overall the benefits of exercise appear to outweigh the potential harms. Please watch the excellent 15 mins video about the benefits of exercise by Doc Mike Evans 23 1/2 Hrs and spread the word by sharing on facebook or twitter or with friends.
What do you think?
- Q. Do you advise people with chronic musculoskeletal pain to undertake regular exercise?
- Q. Do you share the 23 1/2 Hrs video with patients and colleagues?
Send us your views on this blog and become part of the ever expanding Musculoskeletal Elf community. Post your comment below, or get in touch via social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+).
- O’Connor SR, Tully MA, Ryan B, Bleakley CM, Baxter GD, Bradley JM, McDonough SM, Walking Exercise for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis, ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION (2015), doi: 10.1016/ j.apmr.2014.12.003.
- United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) system.
- 23 1/2 Hrs video, Dr Mike Evans
Walking Exercise for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain http://t.co/1ycXZ3Jmu3
“@MSK_Elf: Walking Exercise for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain http://t.co/aWDYPIxDwB” promote exercise for everyone safely #231/2hours
RT @MSK_Elf: Walking #Exercise for Chronic #Musculoskeletal Pain new sys review http://t.co/5aCieLEBud
Is Walking #Exercise for Chronic #Musculoskeletal Pain effective? http://t.co/5aCieLEBud @exerciseworks @theCSP
Walking Exercise for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain http://t.co/amGcZA6wR1 Good read. Thanks @MSK_Elf
Building on our #walking theme from last week, here’s @MSK_Elf on walking exercise for chronic musculoskeletal pain http://t.co/UfI7U9kbyY
@Mental_Elf @MSK_Elf I miss walking …:(
If you have Chronic #Musculoskeletal Pain should you #exercise by walking http://t.co/5aCieLEBud @Arthritis_care @ArthritisCareSC
The benefits of #Walking Exercise for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain http://t.co/Ww1KkrgQJN via @MSK_Elf
Great blog via @MSK_Elf on walking/MSK/pain
“Overall the benefits of exercise appear to outweigh the potential harms: http://t.co/SCioD5N5bg
#exercise beneficial in improving pain symptoms & function in chronic #musculoskeletal pain http://t.co/9QsJpC5ySQ @Physiowizz @physio_guru
RT @MSK_Elf: #exercise beneficial in improving pain symptoms & function in chronic #musculoskeletal pain http://t.co/5aCieLEBud @Physiowizz…
#Walking is effective for Chronic #Musculoskeletal Pain http://t.co/ooVNG7IJcc @exerciseworks @theCSP @MSK_Elf http://t.co/aBzopJo4wy
RT @proftraceyhowe: Is Walking #Exercise for Chronic #Musculoskeletal Pain effective? http://t.co/2UZ5Flz8qh @exerciseworks @thecsp
Walking #Exercise beneficial for Chronic #Musculoskeletal Pain new sys review http://t.co/5aCieLEBud @PTHSN @physiotalk
“@MSK_Elf: Walking #Exercise beneficial for Chronic #Musculoskeletal Pain new sys review http://t.co/wbcHKpTZDo @PTHSN @physiotalk”
RT @MSK_Elf: #exercise beneficial improving pain symptoms & function chronic #musculoskeletal pain http://t.co/5aCieLEBud @CochraneMSK @UKC…
If you have Chronic #Musculoskeletal Pain should you #exercise by walking http://t.co/9QsJpC5ySQ @NASSdirector @physionz
Walking and chronic pain
Better than placebo
In some studies better than the medicines we use too
JFDI http://t.co/g97YIBSkXw
Works for us!
Glad to hear that. Keep it up.
Fantastic. Keep it it up.
“@ProfTraceyHowe: Is Walking #Exercise for Chronic #Musculoskeletal Pain effective? http://t.co/ITH0kwwMb8 @exerciseworks @theCSP”
@MSK_Elf But what if the cause of the #Musculoskeletal pain is the same thing that stops someone from walking? #footproblems