Results: 451

For: psychotherapy

Online psychotherapy for the COVID era: digital healthcare with insights from Auschwitz?


M. David Enoch writes his debut elf blog on a recent article in the BJPsych Bulletin about the trailblazing use of online interventions to enable autonomous psychological care.

His blog also suggests that during the current pandemic we may learn something important from Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy, which was born out of the horrors of the World War II concentration camps.

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Guidance for online therapy during COVID-19


Liesbeth Tip highlights the new OxCADAT guidance for psychotherapists providing online therapy for people with anxiety, panic or trauma.

This blog also contains many ideas and an extensive list of useful research and resources for delivering internet based treatment for people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Mindfulness to support antidepressant withdrawal: patient views and experiences


Hannah Bowers writes her debut blog on a recent qualitative study, which explores how mindfulness-based cognitive therapy can help people stop taking antidepressants and recover from depression. This paper includes the views and perspectives of participants in the 2015 PREVENT trial.

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Should we be offering twice weekly psychotherapy for people with depression?


Jack Kerwin and Derek Tracy summarise a new RCT published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which suggests that twice weekly psychotherapy (CBT or IPT) may be more effective than once weekly sessions for people with depression.

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Psychological interventions for grief: a systematic review


Linda Gask summarise a systematic review which suggests that psychological interventions are efficacious in treating prolonged grief. She concludes that it’s time to pay more attention to the suffering caused by prolonged grief both in research and clinical practice.

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Quit playing games with my… head? Online therapeutic games for LGBTQ+ youth #MindTech2019


Will Koehler writes his debut Mental Elf blog on an exploratory study about how LGBT youth use the internet in relation to their mental health.

Follow #MindTech2019 on Twitter today to hear more from the lead author Mathijs Lucassen about this and other recent digital mental health research.

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The Trial: pharmacotherapy versus psychotherapy for schizophrenia – how do trials compare?


Keith Laws looks at a systematic review of patient and study characteristics, which asks: are randomised controlled trials on pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy for positive symptoms of schizophrenia comparable?

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Depression in later life: healthcare professionals’ views about referrals and management


Alison McKinlay summarises a literature review of qualitative research exploring healthcare professionals’ views of depression in later life, which highlights the quandaries faced by healthcare professionals in primary care, particularly in areas where funding and access to services are limited.

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What role should psychoanalysis play in modern mental health practice?


Camille Hart and Iain McDougall explore a recent narrative review by Jessica Yakeley and argue that psychodynamic psychotherapies should be made more widely available within UK mental health services.

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Youth anxiety and depression treatment not as good as we think? What should we tell the children?


Ola Demkowicz writes her debut elf blog about a study that evaluates reliable improvement rates in depression and anxiety at the end of treatment in adolescents.

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