Results: 1490

For: Treatment

Psychotropic medication during pregnancy: new umbrella review finds no convincing evidence of adverse health outcomes for the baby


Flo Martin summarises a recent umbrella review which finds that we still have limited knowledge about the safety of psychotropic drug use in pregnancy.

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Antidepressant discontinuation symptoms: what do the data really tell us?


Gemma Lewis and Glyn Lewis summarise a robust systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the incidence of symptoms when discontinuing or withdrawing from antidepressants. The data suggest that 8-14% of patients will experience antidepressant discontinuation symptoms, and for around 2% these symptoms will be severe.

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Can we ease the suffering now? Psychological interventions during an ‘ongoing threat’


Sofiia Kornatska considers a recent systematic review on effective and feasible psychological interventions for populations under ongoing threats; including terrorist attacks, shootings, fire, physical and psychological abuse, political and armed violence, and ongoing intimate partner violence.

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Jury remains out on antidepressant-induced mania, despite findings of Danish trial emulation


Michael Kalfas and Paul Leeks summarise a recent Danish study that assesses the risk of antidepressant-induced mania in patients with bipolar depression.

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ACT now for MND: acceptance and commitment therapy can improve quality of life for people with motor neuron disease

Acceptance and commitment therapy. Torn dark paper and speech bubble.

Dona Matthews summarises a recent trial which suggests that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can maintain or improve quality of life for people with early stage motor neuron disease.

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Can self help apps PROMOTE wellbeing or PREVENT illness in young adults?

Person holding phone

Kirsten Lawson summarises the ECoWeB PROMOTE and PREVENT trials in relation to self-helps apps for promoting wellbeing and preventing mental ill health among young adults.

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Using digital technologies to support young people at risk of suicide: new guidance from a Delphi study


Becky Appleton summarises a recent Delphi study that led to the development of the first clinical guidelines for implementing digital technology within mental healthcare for young people with suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

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Apps for depression and anxiety: big new meta-analysis supports effectiveness


In their debut blog, Lee Valentine summarises a large-scale updated meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of mental health apps for depression and anxiety.

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Game on for mental health? Reviewing the effectiveness of applied and casual games for young people’s mental health

There are interesting avenues for future research arising from the conclusions of this paper, including better understanding from a user-experience perspective of what features or mechanics of games might be especially beneficial for mental health.

Linda Kaye and Kirsten Lawson summarise a large systematic review synthesising the effectiveness of applied and casual games on young people’s mental health.

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Is a sleep intervention delivered by non-expert practitioners feasible for youth mental health?


In her debut blog, Emma Sullivan explores a new paper looking at the feasibility of a CBT for insomnia intervention (delivered by non-expert practitioners) for young people with mental health difficulties.

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