Results: 171

For: other

Digital interventions for PTSD: meta-analysis suggests they may reduce symptoms

Reading laptop

Jazz Croft publishes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of digital interventions to treat the symptoms of post traumatic stress.

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Digital interventions for stress: do they live up to their alleged potential?


Josefien Breedvelt is encouraged by the findings of a recent systematic review of Internet-based and computer-based interventions for stress, which provides a positive case for offering stress management on a large scale.

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Exercise and iCBT for depression: how do ‘alternative’ treatments compare to usual care?


Bethan Davies publishes her debut blog on a recent Swedish RCT of exercise and internet-based cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression.

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Digital technology for mental health: asking the right questions #DigitalMHQ

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Please take 10 mins to participate in this important mental health survey #DigitalMHQ. It’s your chance to suggest research ideas about digital technology for mental health.

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Negative Effects Questionnaire: measuring the potential harm of psychotherapy

Counselling and Support

Edel McGlanaghy publishes her debut blog on the Negative Effects Questionnaire for monitoring and reporting adverse effects of psychotherapy. She also highlights her own APT study (Adverse effects of Psychological Therapy), which is currently recruiting individuals with experience of any face to face psychological therapy.

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Targeting unhelpful repetitive negative thinking in young people to prevent anxiety and depression


Michelle Moulds publishes her debut blog on a recent randomised controlled trial about the prevention of anxiety disorders and depression by targeting excessive worry, rumination and repetitive negative thinking in young adults.

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Self-guided iCBT for depression: effective but still not sticky enough


Stefan Rennick-Egglestone highlights a brand new IPD meta-analysis of self-guided Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for the treatment of depression.

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Digital health for young people with mental health problems: silver bullet or red herring?


Victoria Betton on a recent meta review of digital health interventions for children and young people with mental health problems. The question is, does the evidence square with her experience of what actually happens in practice?

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Social networking sites and mental health: friend or foe?


Una Foye and Josefien Breedvelt from the Mental Health Foundation publish their debut elf blog on a recent systematic narrative review that aimed to identify and summarise research examining depression and anxiety in the context of social networking websites.

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