This review of antibiotic prophylaxis for the removal of third molars included 22 RCTs and suggest that antibiotic use lowered the infection risk by 60%. The number pf patients needed to treat to prevent one infection was 14 (95%CI;11-19).
[read the full story...]Results: 125
For: medicinesEvidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder
Joseph Hayes summarises the recent British Association for Psychopharmacology guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder, and compares their recommendations with those found in the NICE bipolar disorder guidance from 2014.
[read the full story...]Cardiovascular safety of methylphenidate
Samuele Cortese considers the findings of a recent nationwide self controlled case series study of the cardiovascular safety of methylphenidate use in children and young people with ADHD.
[read the full story...]Cochrane find no evidence for as required PRN medication for mental health inpatients
John Baker summarises an updated Cochrane review on ‘as required’ PRN medication regimens for seriously mentally ill people in hospital, which finds no randomised controlled trials that support this widely used intervention.
[read the full story...]Nalmefene for alcohol dependence: new evidence casts doubt over NICE recommendations
Matt Field presents new evidence on the risks and benefits of nalmefene in the treatment of adult alcohol dependence, which casts further doubt over the controversial recommendations made by NICE and the European Medicines Agency.
[read the full story...]Amphetamines and methylphenidate for paediatric ADHD: meta-analysis of n-of-1 trials
Samuele Cortese publishes his debut Mental Elf blog on a meta-analysis of n-of-1 trials, which shows that amphetamine derivatives and methylphenidate are superior to placebo, in the short term, for paediatric ADHD.
[read the full story...]Psychotropic medication in pregnancy: new evidence may help achieve a safe balance
Joanne Wallace considers a recent health technology assessment on the risks and benefits of psychotropic medication in pregnancy, which supports previous associations between valproate and adverse child outcomes.
[read the full story...]Mental illness, challenging behaviour and psychotropic drugs #UCLJournalClub
Join us at 2-3pm on Wednesday 18th May for the #UCLJournalClub, which will be live broadcasted on YouTube and live tweeted by the @LearningDisElf
[read the full story...]What do you want from your psychiatric medication?
John Baker presents a systematic review of preferences for medication-associated outcomes in mental disorders, which concludes that we just don’t know what value mental health service users place on the different outcomes that come from taking psychiatric medication.
[read the full story...]Commonly prescribed psychiatric drugs: do they work?
John Baker summarises a review of commonly prescribed medication that covers seven psychiatric drugs, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, methylphenidate and cholinesterase inhibitors.
[read the full story...]