In her debut blog, Natalie Berry summarises a qualitative study which asks young people about their views on using technology to detect worsening mental health.
[read the full story...]Results: 180
For: digital healthSocial media and self-harm in young people: help or hindrance?
Jess Williams summarises a qualitative study that questions whether removing graphic self-harm content from social media helps or hinders young people.
[read the full story...]CBT delivery formats for adult depression: group, telephone & guided self-help all as effective as individual therapy?
Kinga Antal reviews a network meta-analysis which finds that individual, group, telephone and guided self-help CBT are all equally effective for treating depression in adults.
[read the full story...]Digital interventions for suicidal thinking: a tale of two reviews
In his debut blog, Wouter van Ballegooijen summarises two recent systematic reviews on digital interventions for suicidal thinking, which include more or less the same research, but come to quite different conclusions.
[read the full story...]Problematic smartphone use: what are the consequences for teens and their screens?
Lucinda Powell explores a recent systematic review and meta-analysis which finds that problematic smartphone use in young people is associated with poorer mental health.
[read the full story...]CBT for health anxiety: should it be delivered in person or online?
Francesca Bentivegna explores a timely RCT concluding that delivering internet-based (email) CBT for health anxiety is non-inferior to face to face CBT in the short-term. The study also concludes that iCBT is more cost-effective.
[read the full story...]A coached mobile app platform for depression and anxiety in primary care
Last week, a group of people with lived experience of mental health problems, researchers and clinicians participated in a half-day online blogging workshop. Here’s the blog we wrote together, which summarises a recent US trial of a coached mobile app platform for the treatment of depression and anxiety in primary care.
[read the full story...]Therapy over the telephone: how does it compare to face-to-face? The answer might surprise you…
Imogen Bell blogs a timely systematic review which compares the interactional qualities of psychological therapy delivered face-to-face and over the telephone.
[read the full story...]Social media to diagnose depression: should this be used to target mental health care?
In their debut blog, Rina Dutta and Charlotte Cliffe summarise a mixed methods study, which explores public opinion about using social media to diagnose depression.
[read the full story...]#chatsafe: helping young people communicate safely online about suicide
In her debut blog, Zoë Catchpole summarises a recent qualitative paper about the Australian #chatsafe project, which outlines how young people were involved in the development of an online campaign to support conversations about suicide.
[read the full story...]