Results: 181

For: digital health

Cyberbullying: comparatively rare, not especially damaging or pernicious


Shirley Reynolds reports on a recent population-based cross-sectional study that surveyed 1 in 5 of all 15 year olds in England, to ask them about bullying, cyberbullying and adolescent well-being.

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iCBT for OCD in young people: study suggests it’s cost-effective, but more research needed


Alastair Canaway on a recent RCT that looks at the cost-effectiveness of therapist-guided internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for paediatric obsessive–compulsive disorder.

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Ecological momentary interventions: smartphones have changed everything and here’s how digital mental health might begin to catch up


Mark Brown is feeling positive about the digital future on mental health after reviewing a new paper about ecological momentary interventions for depression and anxiety.

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Elves under the microscope: does elf promotion increase research uptake by health professionals?


Sarah Knowles reports on a survey and brief intervention study of the National Elf Service across the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, which sheds some light on how best to increase research uptake in mental health professionals.

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Guided self help and cCBT for OCD: OCTET finds low adherence and uncertain fidelity


Alan Underwood reports on the new OCTET trial published last week, which fails to find any support for the use of low-intensity guided self-help or computerised CBT for people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

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Digital interventions for PTSD: meta-analysis suggests they may reduce symptoms

Reading laptop

Jazz Croft publishes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of digital interventions to treat the symptoms of post traumatic stress.

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Ethics of social media research: from Big Brother to rainbow unicorns


This jointly authored blog is written by André Tomlin and the people who attended a PenCLAHRC blogging workshop in Exeter yesterday. As a group they consider the findings of a qualitative systematic review of attitudes toward the ethics of research using social media.

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Can your mobile help you manage your anxiety?


Andres Fonseca reviews a recent meta-analysis that explores whether smartphone mental health interventions can reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

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My watch knows when I’m anhedonic: wearable technology and social functioning in older adults with depression


Dave Steele explores a recent literature review about the impact and measurement of social dysfunction in late life depression, which focuses on how wearable technology can be used to measure and support social functioning in older adults.

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The future of mental health care: time for a social perspective?


#UCLJournalClub students worked collaboratively on this blog, which summarises a recent personal view in The Lancet Psychiatry about possible scenarios for the future of mental health care.

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