Does parental drinking influence children’s drinking?


Natasha Clarke helps us understand a recent systematic review of prospective cohort studies, which explores the links between parental alcohol drinking and alcohol consumption in their offspring.

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Cognitive behavioural prevention of depression in adolescents

Higher levels of cortisol were associated with higher levels of depression

Emily Stapley summarises a recent RCT of a cognitive behavioural prevention programme for young people at risk of depression.

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Is cCBT doing it for the kids, but not the adults?


Karina Lovell appraises the first UK RCT of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) for depression in children and young people, which shows a clinically meaningful improvement in depression and anxiety.

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Stimulants reduce risk of injuries in children with ADHD


Joff Jones highlights an important public health finding from a recent prospective cohort study about the effect of stimulant drugs on the risk of injuries in children with ADHD.

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The scars of modern slavery: trafficked people with severe mental illness


Yesterday was #AntiSlaveryDay, so today we are publishing a blog by Mina Fazel who considers the findings of an historical cohort study in the Lancet Psychiatry, which explores the characteristics of trafficked people with severe mental illness.

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No link between SSRI use and violent crime in over 25s


Sarah McDonald considers the implications of a recent cohort study of SSRI use and violent crime, which suffered from the usual headline grabbing media coverage, so typical of research about young people, violence, crime, drugs and mental health.

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Eating disorders in parents are associated with eating disorders in children


Emily Stapley presents the findings of a recent cohort study that highlights an association between eating disorders in parents and eating disorders in their children.

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Are e-cigarettes a gateway to tobacco smoking in youth?


Matt Field sets the record straight by providing a thoughtful and measured appraisal of the recent US cohort study linking e-cigarette use in young people with progression to regular tobacco smoking.

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Can psychotherapy reduce suicide and self-harm in young people?

A young woman suffering from depression is consoled by her friend.

Mark Smith presents the findings of a recent systematic review and meta analysis of therapeutic interventions for suicide and self-harm in young people.

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Childhood adversity and psychotic symptoms: how much can a growing evidence-base tell us?


Stephen Wood ponders the reliability of a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, which suggests that childhood adversity is significantly linked to an elevated risk of psychotic symptom persistence.

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