Recovery narratives by young people with mental health difficulties


Lorna Collins reviews a qualitative study on how young people with mental health difficulties perceive and define recovery and their personal journey.

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Problematic smartphone use: what are the consequences for teens and their screens?


Lucinda Powell explores a recent systematic review and meta-analysis which finds that problematic smartphone use in young people is associated with poorer mental health.

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#chatsafe: helping young people communicate safely online about suicide


In her debut blog, Zoë Catchpole summarises a recent qualitative paper about the Australian #chatsafe project, which outlines how young people were involved in the development of an online campaign to support conversations about suicide.

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A picture tells a thousand words, or does it? Photography and youth mental health


Laura Caven and Chris O’Sullivan summarise a recent qualitative study on young people’s experiences and perceptions of mental health and well-being through photography.

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Suicide in university students in England and Wales


Jude Smit writes her debut elf blog on a recent research study which looks at the incidence of suicide in university students in England and Wales, and concludes that we need a whole university approach to mental health.

Readers interested in more on student mental health should follow #smartenconf19 on Twitter for updates from the SMaRteN Network Student Mental Health Conference in Cambridge.

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Omega-3 fatty acids to prevent psychosis: the importance of replication (NEURAPRO trial)


Raphael Underwood summarises the NEURAPRO trial, which concludes that Omega-3 fatty acids are no better than placebo at preventing transition to psychosis in young people at ultrahigh risk for psychotic disorders.

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Digital health for young people with mental health problems: silver bullet or red herring?


Victoria Betton on a recent meta review of digital health interventions for children and young people with mental health problems. The question is, does the evidence square with her experience of what actually happens in practice?

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How can social action support service transformation?


Caroline Storer highlights a recent Nesta report entitled “People helping people: lessons learned from three years supporting social action innovations to scale”.

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Economic impact of youth mental health services in the UK


Alastair Canaway and Chris Sampson look at a new PSSRU report on youth mental health services in the UK, and how they affect health, education and employment.

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Young people’s views on responsive social services: What makes a difference?


In her debut blog, Katherine Bishop examines a New Zealand study which asks young people at risk of harm what makes a responsive, supportive social service and finds important messages for social work practice.

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