Third molar surgery – Lingual or buccal-based flaps?


This review of postoperative discomfort, operative time, and wound healing in the short-term follow-up following surgical extraction of lower third molars with lingual- or buccal-based flaps included 7 RCTs. The quality of the included studies was limited and few differences were seen between the type of flaps.

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Third molars: Which surgical technique for removal?


This Cochrane review upate compares the relative benefits and risks of different techniques for surgical removal of mandibular wisdom teeth. While the review includes 25 new trials the quality of the studies was variable with many having biases that could have influenced the findings so no meaningful conclusions could be drawn.

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Mandibular angle fractures: 1 or 2 miniplates?


This review of the use of 1 or 2 miniplates for the treatment of mandibular angle fractures included 13 studies 3 of which were RCTs. The findings suggest fewer complications with single miniplate fixation.

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Antibiotic prophylaxis for dental implants in healthy patients, is it necessary?


This review of the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis in dental implant placement for prevention of post-operative infection included 10 RCTs analysis indicatingthat antibiotic prophylaxis may not be necessary in health patients.

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Mandibular fractures: review finds no difference in postoperative complications between locking and non-locking plates


Today we look at a review that was comparing the clinical outcomes between locking and non-locking plates for the fixation of fractures mandibles. The review identified 10 studies, 8 of which were at high risk of bias. They found that there was no difference in the level of post operative complications between teh different approaches.

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