Volunteering in later life: good for our physical health, but more evidence needed on mental health


Sophie Large summarises a recent Campbell Systematic Review, which explores the impact of volunteering on the physical and mental health of older volunteers.

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Parents and volunteers’ experiences of family support

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Jo Moriarty’s blog looks at parents and volunteers’ experiences of Home-Start, a family support programme, via the theoretical framework of liminality.

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Co-production recognises service users as assets to help shape and transform services, says new report

Mobilising networks of volunteers can provide peer support to patients with long term conditions

Co-production and community mobilisation are not new concepts to the NHS, or indeed commissioning – recent years have seen examples such as the King’s Fund Experience Based Co-Design toolkit and NESTA’s People Powered Health programme.  However, this new report suggests that in the NHS we haven’t entirely grasped the more radical aspects of the concept.  [read the full story…]