Violence against older people is strongly associated with poor mental health #16DaysOfActivism2024


Sophie Carlisle explores the prevalence of violence against older people and how this relates to mental health. This is the third blog in our #16DaysOfActivism2024 series.

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The entrapment caused by coercive control may be central to its impacts on mental health #16DaysOfActivism2024


Síofra Peeren explores an Australian qualitative study looking at the trauma and mental health impacts of coercive control, which suggests that psychological tactics of coercion and control are just as, if not more distressing than physical tactics.

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Can behavioural programmes reduce partner abuse by people with mental illness or substance use problems? #16DaysOfActivism2024


Today is the beginning of #16DaysOfActivism2024 for No Violence against Women and Children. To mark the occasion we have a blog from Vishal Bhavsar exploring the effectiveness of interventions for perpetrators of intimate partner violence.

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Alcohol and interpersonal violence: new review estimates how many adults experience emotional violence from others’ drinking


Nora de Bode looks at the international prevalence of interpersonal violence due to others’ alcohol consumption. This new review finds that in 2019, around 1 in 4 adults in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, and 1 in 6 adults in high income regions, experienced emotional violence from others’ drinking.

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Can we ease the suffering now? Psychological interventions during an ‘ongoing threat’


Sofiia Kornatska considers a recent systematic review on effective and feasible psychological interventions for populations under ongoing threats; including terrorist attacks, shootings, fire, physical and psychological abuse, political and armed violence, and ongoing intimate partner violence.

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Antipsychotics and risk of violence and suicide in people diagnosed with personality disorders

Newer antipsychotics are not necessarily superior to older drugs.

A group of MSc students from UCL summarise a study examining the links between antipsychotics, risk of violent crimes and suicidal behaviour in people diagnosed with a ‘personality disorder’.

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Prisonization: how does prison impact on the mental health of prisoners? Insights from Norway


Verity Wainwright explores a qualitative study from Norway, which looks into prisoners understanding of mental health and the prison environment.

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Traumatic stress in Palestinian children and young people in the Gaza Strip


Rasanat Fatima Nawaz and Hayley Gains summarise a scoping review exploring the impact of war on Palestinian children and young people residing in the Gaza Strip.

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Supporting female violence researchers who experience vicarious trauma


Eve Wang summarises a qualitative study exploring the emotional safety and coping mechanisms in women conducting violence and abuse research, who experience vicarious trauma.

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Mental illness is linked to being a victim and/or perpetrator of violence: time to face up to some inconvenient truths?


Anabelle Paulino and Maya Ogonah summarise a recent Danish longitudinal study on the risk of violent victimisation and perpetration following the onset of mental illness.

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