Ultrasound for the differential diagnosis of periapical lesions

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This review of the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound in differentiating periapical lesions of endodontic origin in comparison with histopathology included 12 studies. While the findings suggest good levels of sensitifity and specificity for diagnosing periapical cysts and granulomasthere are concerns regarding the quality of the evidence.

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Subacromial impingement syndrome effectiveness of physiotherapy and manual therapy


Some of our Elf friends who are regular swimmers have been suffering from sore shoulders. One of them has been diagnosed as having subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS). In this blog, Tracey Howe considers a best evidence review on SIS effectiveness of physiotherapy and manual therapy.

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Ultrasound guided barbotage for calcific tendonitis in the shoulder – does it work?


In her debut blog, Jennifer Lane discusses a systematic review examining the effects of ultrasound guided barbotage for calcific tendonitis in the shoulder.

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Ultrasonography has acceptable diagnostic efficacy for detection of temporomandibular joint disc displacement


Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) result in craniofacial pain, limited mouth opening, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) clicks affecting the joint and related structures.  A prevalence of between 10% to 70% has been reported, and it particularly effects women aged 20 to 40 years. TMDs can be classified into muscular disorders, internal derangement (ID), inflammatory disease, and osteoarthritis. Internal [read the full story…]