Justine Karpusheff explores a new realist synthesis of factors affecting retention of staff in UK adult mental health services.
[read the full story...]Justine Karpusheff explores a new realist synthesis of factors affecting retention of staff in UK adult mental health services.
[read the full story...]Daisy Long summarises a qualitative study regarding the emotional experience of learning in and of itself for individual social workers and how early learning experiences can shape current responses.
[read the full story...]Sarah Carr treats us to a bumper blog of EQUIP studies. Think: care planning, coproduction, service user involvement and training. She doesn’t blog for us very often these days, but when she does it’s a corker!
[read the full story...]Leen Vereenooghe summarises a recent review paper that presents the state of the evidence and future directions for digital mental health and people with intellectual disabilities.
[read the full story...]Ian Cummins on a systematic review of mental health training programmes for non-mental health trained professionals coming into contact with people with mental ill health.
[read the full story...]John Baker summarises a review of commonly prescribed medication that covers seven psychiatric drugs, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, methylphenidate and cholinesterase inhibitors.
[read the full story...]This post looks at the Health Education England report, The future of primary care, which is about recruitment and training in primary care.
[read the full story...]Summary of a report, produced by RAND Europe, exploring different models for delivering primary care, including collaboration, and how to manage change.
[read the full story...]Mary Larkin finds out if a US carer support programme is effective for black and minority ethnic carers of people living with Alzhemier’s disease.
[read the full story...]Social media legend Teresa Chinn announces the launch of #WeCATS, a new WeNurses tweet chat being run in partnership with Sally Crowe from CASP, Sarah Chapman from the UK Cochrane Centre and your very own Mental Elf. We are very excited about this new critical appraisal endeavour.
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