Erosive toothwear: Is it associated with gastro-oesophageal reflux- related symptoms and disease?

Estogeny & nekarioznye porazenia zubob. Monografia.

This review of the association between erosive toothwear and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease or symptoms (GERD/S) included 27 observational studies with 19 contributing to the meta-analyses. Findings suggest patients with GERD/S have 2–4 fold increased odds of erosive toothwear.

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Study finds high levels of dentine hypersensitivity in young European adults


Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) and various treatments have been used to treat the condition (Dental Elf 17th July).  Epidemiological studies have produced prevalence figures for this ranging from 1.34% to 98% so the objective of this study, was to determine by clinical examination combined with a questionnaire, the prevalence of DH in 18–35 years old Europeans [read the full story…]