Orthodontic space closure after tooth extraction- early or delayed?


This review of early versus delayed initiation of space closure after tooth extraction on the rate of orthodontic tooth movement included 11 RCTs. The findings suggest little difference between the two approaches but the included studies are small and none of the theam are at low risk of bias.

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Micro-osteoperforation and the rate of orthodontic tooth movement


This review of the effect of micro-osteoperforations (MOPs) on orthodontic tooth movement included 8 small RCTs of short duration providing low quality evidence.

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Orthodontics: How much force is needed to move teeth with fixed appliances?

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This review looking at the optimal force magnitude for achieving orthodontic tooth movement included 12 studies suggesting there is weak to moderate evidence showing that forces ranging between 50 cN and 100 cN are optimal for the rate of orthodontic tooth movement.

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Clear aligner orthodontic treatment


This review assessing the predictability of clear aligners and treatment outcomes of clear aligner therapy compared with fixed appliance therapy included 7 small studies of limited quality.

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Micro-osteoperforation: Does it speed up tooth movement?


This review of the effects of micro-osteoperforation on the rate of tooth movement in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment included 6 RCTs. Although meta-analysis found a small statistical benefit in favour of micro-osteoperforation in the short term the clinical benefits particularly over the duration of a course of treatment remain unclear.

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Orthodontic treatment: Do vibrating devices accelerate tooth movement?

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This review of the efficiency of the vibrating devices in accelerating orthodontic tooth movement identified 6 RCTs the majority being short term and at high risk of bias. The RCTs suggested no difference with the use of vibrational devices.

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Vibrational devices: Do they accelerate orthodontic tooth movement?


Only 5 small low quality RCTs were identified for this review of the ability of vibrational devices to increase the rate of orthodontic tooth movement. More well conducted RCTs are needed.

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Fixed orthodontic appliances- which type of archwire first?


This Cochrane review of the effects of initial arch wires for the alignment of teeth with fixed orthodontic appliances includes 12 RCTs and updates a previous review. The review finds moderate quality evidence shows that archwires of coaxial superelastic nickel-titanium (NiTi) can produce greater tooth movement over 12 weeks than arch wires made of single-strand superelastic NiTi.

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Orthodontic treatment- can a vibrational stimulus shorten treatment times?


8 studies were included in this review of vibrational stimulus to accelerate orthodontic treatment. The studies were small and of short duration providing very low quality evidence to support any effect. Further high quality studies of longer duration are needed.

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Orthodontic tooth movement and its effect on the dental pulp

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Orthodontic treatment is based on the principle that if a force is applied to a tooth for a period of time it will move. The applied force produces changes in both the supporting structures and in the pulp of the tooth.  Pathological changes have been reported in the pulp in response to these forces so [read the full story…]