This review of early versus delayed initiation of space closure after tooth extraction on the rate of orthodontic tooth movement included 11 RCTs. The findings suggest little difference between the two approaches but the included studies are small and none of the theam are at low risk of bias.
[read the full story...]Mouthwashes and gingival healing after surgical procedures
This review of the effect of different mouthwashes on gingival healing used after oral surgery in adults included 13 RCTs. The trials assessed 12 different products and concentrations and only one RCTs was considered to be at low risk of bias so the findings should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]Acute pain management following dental extraction
This review and network meta-analysis (NMA) of pharmacological treatments for the management of pain subsequent to simple and surgical tooth extraction included 85 RCTs. There was moderate- and high-certainty evidence that for surgical dental extractions that ibuprofen 200 to 400 mg plus acetaminophen 500 to 1,000 mg was the most effective for pain relief.
[read the full story...]Deep caries removal – Selective or stepwise?
This review comparing stepwise removal (SWR) and selective removal (SCR) of deep carious lesions in primary and permanent teeth included 9 RCTs. The findings suggest that SCR may be more succesful than SWR but they should be interpreted cautiously because of the limited number of studies for some outcomes.
[read the full story...]Single or multiple visit root canal therapy?
This Cochrane review update comparing single and multiple vist root canal treatments in patients over the age of 10 included 47 RCTs. There was no evidence to suggest that one treatment regimen (single‐visit or multiple‐visit RoCT) is more effective than the other although more patients report pain in the first week with the single visit approach.
[read the full story...]Alveolar osteitis – local management interventions
This Cochrane review update looked at local interventions used for the prevention and treatment of alveolar osteitis (dry socket) following tooth extraction. 49 RCTs were included providing moderate certainty evidence for chlorhexidine rinses and gel for probably reduction in dry sockets.
[read the full story...]Tooth extraction prior to head and neck radiotherapy and osteoradionecrosis risk
28 mainly retrospective studies were included in this review which aimed to determine if tooth extraction prior to head and neck radiotherapy (RT )is associated with a reduced risk of developing osteoradionectosis (ORN). The findings showed a significant association of post-RT dental extractions with the risk of ORN development, odds ratio = 1.98 (95%CI: 1.17 to 3.35. However the certainty of the evidence was low to moderate.
[read the full story...]Palatally displaced canines: Procedures to promote eruption
This Cochrane review update of interceptive procedures included 4 RCTs to promote the eruption of palatally displaced permanent canines (PDCs) involving a total of 199 patients. The findings indicate that extraction of the primary canine man increase the the proportion of erupted PDCs but the evidence is very uncertain.
[read the full story...]Osteoradionecrosis and tooth extraction before radiotherapy
This review of the osteoradionecrosis rate in patients with head and neck cancer having toothth extraction performed before radiotherapy included 8 mainly retrospective studies. The pooled incidence rate was estimated at 2.2% (95% CI: 0.6% to 3.9%) although none of the studies controlled for other risk factors.
[read the full story...]Third molar surgery – Lingual or buccal-based flaps?
This review of postoperative discomfort, operative time, and wound healing in the short-term follow-up following surgical extraction of lower third molars with lingual- or buccal-based flaps included 7 RCTs. The quality of the included studies was limited and few differences were seen between the type of flaps.
[read the full story...]