Working on the edge: the therapeutic alliance in suicide prevention


Laura Melzer considers a qualitative review of client and therapist perspectives on the therapeutic alliance in the context of psychotherapy for suicidal feelings.

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Is it possible to form a digital therapeutic alliance with a mental health app?


Jenna Jacob summarises a qualitative study exploring the conceptualisation of the digital therapeutic alliance in the context of mental health apps that require no human support.

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Exploring people’s experiences of psychotherapy for self-harm: the importance of the therapeutic alliance


Hannah Wallace summarises a systematic review exploring people’s experiences of psychotherapy for self-harming behaviours, which highlights the importance of therapeutic rapport and the clinical competencies that support developing a good relationship between clinicians and service users.

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Mental health services for sexual minorities: experiences of discrimination, barriers to services and priorities for improvement


In her latest blog, Siobhan D’Almeida appraises a qualitative study exploring the experiences of sexual minorities when accessing mental health services, with a specific focus on the impact to the therapeutic relationship.

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Psychotherapy experiences of young people in foster care: suggestions for practice


In her debut blog, Charlotte Kitchen reviews a small qualitative study from Ireland, which explores how young people in foster care feel about psychotherapy.

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Can therapeutic alliance help prevent suicide in people with psychosis?


Melanie Lafanechere and Dafni Katsampa summarise a study on the therapeutic alliance and suicidal experiences in people with psychosis receiving Cognitive Behavioural Suicide Prevention Therapy.

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Blended CBT for depression: does it affect the working alliance?


Destiny Kumari summarises a study on practitioners’ experience of the working alliance in a blended CBT intervention for depression.

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Videoconference delivered CBT for anxiety disorders: working alliance and intolerance of uncertainty


Tyler Hughes blogs about a randomised controlled trial which explores therapeutic alliance in videoconference delivered CBT for anxiety.

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Therapeutic alliance and goal setting in youth mental health #ActiveIngredientsMH


Jenna Jacob and Jermaine Dambi summarise a recent study which looks at therapeutic alliance in remote versus in-person settings.

They also present initial findings from their two active ingredients reviews which explore working alliance, collaborative goal setting and tracking for young people with depression or anxiety.

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Mentalisation-based treatment for pathological narcissism


In her debut blog, KCL student Harley McIntosh explores a paper that proposes a developmental model of narcissism centring on impairments in mentalisation. The case study paper then encourages the use of mentalisation-based treatment (MBT) for the treatment of pathological narcissism.

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