Loneliness “from the outside”: how are lonely young people perceived by others?


In her debut blog, Phoebe McKenna-Plumley explores a mixed methods study of young people, which finds concordance between self-reported loneliness and others’ perceptions of loneliness.

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Living with mental health problems during COVID-19: how does it feel?


In her debut blog, Anjana Greedharee reviews a co-produced, participatory qualitative study on the experiences of living with mental health problems 
during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.

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#Instagram: Is it dangerous in terms of suicide and self-harm content?


Jess Williams explores a recent systematic review which explores whether suicide and self-harm content on Instagram is dangerous or not.

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Dementia care during COVID-19: difficult choices for unpaid carers


In her debut blog, Catherine Talbot reviews a recent qualitative study, which explores the decision-making process for receiving paid home care for people with dementia during COVID-19.

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Why CBT can fail those with OCD: service users’ perspectives


In his debut blog, Lawson Taylor summarises a preprint qualitative study that explores the views of service users with OCD or panic disorder, and tries to offer some answers as to why CBT does not work well for some people.

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Exploring eating disorders on TikTok – #EDrecovery: helpful or harmful?


Cara Richardson blogs about a novel study that explores the use of the social media platform TikTok to express experiences of eating disorder recovery.

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Qualitative co-production: involving people with lived experience in co-analysis of qualitative data


In her debut blog, Nia Coupe summarises a recent study on how people with lived experience can be involved in the analysis of qualitative research data.

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Assessing digital risk: a mixed-methods study assessing psychiatry trainee’s experiences, views and understanding


Georgie Parker reviews a mixed-methods study exploring psychiatry trainees understanding, experience of and competence assessing and managing digital risk.

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MyFitnessPal: how people with eating disorders use the diet and exercise app


Georgie Parker reviews a qualitative analysis of Reddit comments relating to the use of MyFitnessPal and its impact on eating disorder behaviours.

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Lay people intervening and preventing suicide in a public place: how is it done and is it effective?


Dafni Katsampa and Ioana Crivatu explore a qualitative paper. which gives accounts from both survivors and interveners of a suicide attempt in a public place.

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