Arthroscopy for temporomandibular disorders

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Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) comprise a group of clinical  problems that involve the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint and associated structures, or both. They may also involve many organic, psychological and psychosocial factors. The aetiology of TMDs is still not clear. The aim of this Cochrane review was to assess the effectiveness of arthroscopy for the [read the full story…]

Evidence from systematic reviews and meta-analyses for the management of TMD (temporomandibular disorders)

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This aim of this review was to assess the methodological quality of published systematic reviews in the management of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Medline, the Cochrane Library and Bandolier were searched for systematic reviews that focused on TMD management published in English, Swedish, or German. Two investigators evaluated the methodological quality of each identified systematic review using [read the full story…]

Incidence of TMD higher in patients with depression


This large cohort study looked at whether depression is a risk factor of temporomandibular disorder (TMD). The study used claims data from The National Health Insurance program of Taiwan which covers more than 96% of its 23 million population. From the database 7,587 patients who are newly diagnosed individuals with depression and 30,197 comparison subjects [read the full story…]

Exercise or splints for temporomandibular disorders


This randomised controlled trial looked at the efficacy of an occlusal splint or joint mobilization self-exercise for confirmed anterior disc displacement without reduction (ADDwoR). Fifty-two individuals with ADDwoR were randomised to a splint or a joint mobilization self-exercise treatment group.  Four outcome variables were evaluated: maximum mouth opening range without pain maximum mouth opening range [read the full story…]

Limited evidence for acupuncture as a symptomatic treatment of TMD


This systematic review looked at whether acupuncture is effective for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Searches were conducted in 13 databases, Medline, PubMed, The Cochrane Library, CINAHL, EMBASE, seven Korean Medical Databases and a Chinese Medical Database.  The authors looked for parallel or cross-over randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of acupuncture for TMD regardless of [read the full story…]

CT and MRI in temporomandibular joint diagnosis

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This systematic review looked at the evidence for the diagnostic thinking efficacy and therapeutic efficacy of computed tomography (CT) and (magnetic resonance imaging) MRI in temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJD).  Medline, the Cochrane Library databases and reference list of review articles were searched. Publications considered relevant were interpreted with the aid of the Quality Assessment of [read the full story…]