School-based mental health interventions: reducing depression, anxiety and aggressive behaviour


In their debut blog, Rasanat Fatima Nawaz and Lauren Cross summarise a comprehensive review from the Early Intervention Foundation on school-based mental health interventions.

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Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management: STARS trial suggests benefits for children’s mental health

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Neil Humphrey is impressed by the STARS cluster randomised controlled trial published today in Psychological Medicine, which evaluates the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management programme in primary school children.

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School-based mental health services: a good idea?


Pooky Knightsmith writes her debut elf blog on a recent meta-analysis, which looks at the effectiveness of school-based mental health services for 5-10 year old children.

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Teacher burnout: can we prevent it, or is that the wrong question?


As we prepare for our Youth Mental Health Question Time event in London this evening, Lucinda Powell considers a meta-analysis looking at the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing teacher burnout.

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Are school teachers at a high risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders?

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As teachers across the UK have been recharging their batteries over the summer break are they also taking the opportunity to rest their weary bodies? Musculoskeletal disorders have a huge impact on work related absences. For example in the UK, in 2007/2008, on average, each person suffering from an upper-limb disorder took an estimated 13.3 [read the full story…]