Prevalence of comorbid personality disorder and alcohol use disorder


People diagnosed with “personality disorders” are likely to also experience alcohol problems.

Dean Connolly summarises a recent systematic review that confirms the very high prevalence of comorbid personality disorders and alcohol use disorders.

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Adolescent cannabis use and risk of depression and suicide


Benjamin Janaway blogs about a major data analysis that links adolescent cannabis use with increased risk of depression and suicide. He considers the opportunities for early recognition of cannabis use and public intervention.

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Medication for generalised anxiety disorder: new network meta-analysis


A group of UCL Masters Students summarise a recent network meta-analysis of drug treatment for generalised anxiety disorder, which finds that Venlafaxine, Pregabalin, Escitalopram and Duloxetine are all viable alternatives to Benzodiazepines.

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Do general hospital staff stigmatise people with mental illness?


Rebecca Stevenson writes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review looking at general hospital health professionals’ attitudes and perceived dangerousness towards patients with comorbid mental and physical health conditions.

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Higher doses of antidepressants “not optimal”, according to new review


Jonathon Tomlinson considers his options as a GP supporting people with depression and complex needs, after reading a new systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis, which suggests that higher doses of antidepressants bring maximum side effects with only marginal gains.

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Bipolar disorder and distress: systematic review of first-person accounts


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters Students summarise a meta-synthesis of qualitative research, which looks at what people diagnosed with bipolar disorder experience as distressing.

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Global mental health and its implicit priorities


Tessa Roberts writes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review of the term ‘global mental health’, which seeks to determine the implicit priorities of scientific literature that self-identifies with this term.

Follow #PsychosisGlobal today for a live expert discussion from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN).

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Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for bipolar disorder


Peter McMurray writes his debut elf blog on a systematic review of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for bipolar disorder, which finds a lack of high quality research to support its use in clinical practice.

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Poor school attendance and anxiety: what’s the link?


Lucinda Powell summarises a recent systematic review about the association between anxiety and poor attendance at school, which suggests links between anxiety and unexcused absences/truancy, and school refusal.

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Compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act: significantly more likely if you come from a BAME or migrant group


Ian Cummins explores a recent international systematic review and meta-analysis, which highlights ethnic variations in compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act.

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