The rapid increase in global mental illness: fake news?


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise a systematic review and meta-analysis examining if the global prevalence rate of adult mental illness is increasing.

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Carers’ experiences of involuntary admission under mental health legislation


Juliana Onwumere summarises a recent qualitative review that explores carers’ experiences of involuntary admission of family members or loved ones to mental health inpatient units.

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Antipsychotics and metabolic function in people with schizophrenia


Peter Haddad and Sami Ouanes review a network meta-analysis of the impact of antipsychotic drugs on metabolic function in people with schizophrenia.

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Psychological interventions for grief: a systematic review


Linda Gask summarise a systematic review which suggests that psychological interventions are efficacious in treating prolonged grief. She concludes that it’s time to pay more attention to the suffering caused by prolonged grief both in research and clinical practice.

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Exploring drop-out rates: new review shows poor retention in trials of apps for depression


In his debut blog, Tom Steare summarises a systematic review looking at drop out rates in randomised controlled trials of smartphone apps for depression, which finds that depression apps with mood monitoring and human feedback were associated with greater retention of research participants.

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Are high-rise residential buildings implicated in our social wellbeing and mental health?


Molly Bird summarises and critically analyses a recent systematic review investigating the effects of high-rise buildings on our mental health and social wellbeing.

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Time to research wider community approaches to reducing social isolation?


Heather McClelland writes her debut blog on a recent systematic review looking at the effectiveness of interventions aiming to reduce loneliness and social isolation.

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Cancer screening disparities in people with mental illness


Emily Peckham from the Closing The Gap Network writes her debut blog on a new systematic review, which finds that people with mental illnesses were less likely to receive screening for cancer compared to the general population.

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The never-ending story: the problematic relationship between youth anxiety and later alcohol use


Francesca Bentivigna summarises a systematic review that explores the associations of child and adolescent anxiety with later alcohol use and disorders.

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Stigma and eating disorders: theory and practice


Lorna Collins writes her debut elf blog on a recent mixed-methods systematic review, which asks: How do people with eating disorders experience the stigma associated with their condition?

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