Cyber-victimisation may be associated with self-injurious thoughts and behaviours


Holly Crudgington looks at a systematic review exploring the links between social media, cyberbullying, suicide and self-harm, which identifies a link between being victimised online and suicidal behaviour, thoughts and self-harm.

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Complex PTSD: 3 recent reviews yield clues about what helps #BIGSPD22


Kirsten Barnicot summarises three recent systematic reviews exploring the most helpful interventions for people with complex PTSD.

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Should schools use peer mentoring for mental health? New review highlights how little we know


Lucinda Powell summarises a review which finds little evidence to support the use of peer mentoring in schools to improve mental wellbeing.

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Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders: a viable alternative to CBT?


Georgie Parker summarises a systematic review which suggests that interpersonal psychotherapy may be as effective as CBT for eating disorders, particularly in certain groups.

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COVID-19 increased depression and anxiety disorders by >25% during 2020


Dona Matthews summarises a recent study in The Lancet which estimates that worldwide COVID-19 increased depression and anxiety disorders by more than 25% in 2020.

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Substance use is higher and more excessive in transgender people: evidence, limitations and gaps


Ivan Ezquerra-Romano summarises a systematic review looking into the prevalence of substance use among transgender people compared to their cisgender counterparts.

Today we also announce the launch of a new survey that will help us understand alcohol use in UK transgender and non-binary people.

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Peer support in mental health: understanding the evidence base, current challenges, and future opportunities #ActiveIngredientsMH


In their debut blog, Magenta Simmons and Ellie Brown summarise a recent review on peer support for adults with mental health challenges, and present early findings from their active ingredients review on peer support for youth anxiety and depression.

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School connectedness, anxiety and depression: recent evidence and young people’s perspectives #ActiveIngredientsMH


In their debut blog, Monika Raniti and Divyangana Rakesh explore the relationship between school connectedness, anxiety and depression in young people.

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Ketamine “shows promise” as an anti-suicidal ideation agent, but will this promise ever be realised?


Rosalind McAlpine and Karel Kieslich summarise a recent systematic review which focuses on the rapid anti-suicidal ideation effect of ketamine.

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Persistent anxiety disorders: who is most at risk?


Tessa Reardon summarises a systematic review, which reports on the specific clinical and psychological factors that predict persistent anxiety disorders.

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